Planning trip from San Diego to South Rim of Grand Canyon in 2 weeks.
Planning to take I-8 to 85N to I-17N through Flagstaff.
Want to see Sedona again, so will take 179 from I-17 to get there.
From Sedona what is best way to South Rim of Grand Canyon?
Option 1 Eastern Route: Take 89 through Flagstaff to 64W to S. Rim
Option 2 Diagnal NW: Take 89 to 180 to 64
Option 3 Interstate Route: Take 89 to I-40W to 64 near Williams, AZ
I'd like scenic drive, but not twisting mountain roads. Plus this will be after a long drive from San Diego may just want to get there ASAP from Sedona.
Thanks in advance.