Alright, here's the skinny. Two friends and I are planning a roadtrip for next summer. We're planning on leaving from Athens, Ga and driving to San Francisco, Ca to hang out for a few days. Then we want to drive to Seattle, Wa and see what's going on there. We plan to head back to Athens from Seattle. We've gathered an approximate amount to plan on spending on gas [$800-$900] but we aren't really sure about anything else.
So, my questions are:
1. How much should we plan to spend per person daily on food?
2. How much should we plan to spend on hotels and whatnot?
3. What are some things we should see while in San Francisco and approximate costs?
4. What are some things we should see in Seattle and approximate costs?
I know I'm asking a lot, but I really hope some of you senior road trippers can help us rookies out.
Thanks in advance!