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  1. Default Hello Y'all .. Los Angeles to NYC

    Hello, My Bro and I have to drive to NYC from Los Angeles. Its kinda like a summer trip for me but a move for him. We are planning on leaving on AUg 11 at around 7 pm and need to be in NYC by AUg 16 4 pmISH . The only reason for driving is he is not able to fly due to health reasons. Im trying to make the best of this and wondering if it can be done.Im gonna being flying back on AUG 20. He seems to think its no biggie since he has driven by him self from Nashville to LA . Im really excited to just get out of L.A. Drving is not a problem for me and im looking foward to it. OH BTW our route will be LA Thru Vegas to Denver to Chicago and then to NYC
    Last edited by AZBuck; 07-29-2006 at 09:02 PM. Reason: Minor Typos

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Tucson, AZ

    Default On the Road

    Welcome aboard the RoadTrip America forum.

    By the route you list, it's about 2800 miles from LA to NYC. You're allowing yourselves less than 5 days to make the journey. So you'll have to cover around 560 miles a day. Now that can be done, especially with two drivers. I wouldn't plan on making stops at any attractions, but with some good tunes and some ideas on how to do this, it might be a good chance for you and your brother to make some memories.


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