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  1. Default Moving From NYC to CA.. please help!!

    Hello all,

    I am Very new to this forum and could use some help. First let me explain. My boyfriend and I are currently living in Manhattan,NY, However, at the end of this month we do plan to move to Riverside, CA. I am originally From Riverside and he is Originally from NYC. Now, for the hard part. Neither of us have traveled Cross country and we have no idea how we are going to get there. We have checked sites such as mapquest, MSN, yahoo..etc. However, if any of you could PLEASE PLEASE HELP... we are trying to figure out how we are gonna make this possible. WE are going to be driving pretty much straight through, or so we hope. We are trying to get there in as little time as possible. We will be taking turns driving.

    Anyone who has made this trip before, please give us some advice to what is the quickest Route. Thanks SOOO much. Any help is welcomed. Even if you could just give us the name of some sites to check out, it would be sooooo greatly appreciated.

    Thanks again,
    Clueless Traveler

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Green County, Wisconsin

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    Welcome to the RTA forum!

    The internet mapping sites are pretty good at providing the most direct way from getting from point A to point B. Their drive time estimates are frequently way off, but the milage is pretty accurate.

    It looks like I-70 to St Louis, I-44 to Oklahoma, and the I-40 to I-15 in California would be the easiest option to me. However, if there is a part of the country you haven't seen, but would like to, none of the major cross country routes, like I-70 or I-80 would add any significant amount of time.

    The one "nice" thing about a trip this long is that a difference of 100 miles is such a small percentage of the overall trip that it doesn't significantly change the total time it takes to make the trip!

    Beyond that, be sure to read the Art of the Speed Run as you prepare for your cross country adventure.

    Relax and enjoy the move!

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