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  1. Default too dangerous to drive while others sleep?

    We're renting a Class C rv for our roundtrip from NY to Az, in a short (2 wks) time. My husband was wondering if the younger kids could sleep in the beds while he drives late at night? I'm thinking that might be illegal/dangerous, although it would save alot of dirving time! The kids are asleep at 8pm and my husband only really wakes up then!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Illegal and unwise

    Quote Originally Posted by momomany
    We're renting a Class C rv for our roundtrip from NY to Az, in a short (2 wks) time. My husband was wondering if the younger kids could sleep in the beds while he drives late at night? I'm thinking that might be illegal/dangerous, although it would save alot of dirving time! The kids are asleep at 8pm and my husband only really wakes up then!
    Federal law requires that all passengers being secured in seat belts when a vehicle is in motion. That being said I have slept the over-head compartment of a class C and the main bed of a class A when it was in motion. But technically, it is an unwise practice. In the event of an untimely accident, the chances of survival and/or receipt of minor injuries are greatly reduced if the kids are unsecured by saftey belts.


  3. #3
    RoadTripper Brad Guest

    Default Don't try this at home, we're trained professionals!

    First, the title of this post is purely for entertainment purposes.

    Second... I've done this as well in a Class B Camper Van. As a child. We had no problems. However, I too don't recommend it. Its dangerous and it kind of takes away from the whole family trip atmosphere.

    Plus, like Mark said, it is against the law.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Glasgow, Scotland


    I wonder if there's a gap in the market for some cunning entrepreneur to invent some kinda after-market retro-fit harness arrangement? (Whether one could sleep so restrained I don't know, though you wouldn't find out til after you'd bought it I suppose, so that mightn't hinder sales!

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