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Thread: Lone Camper

  1. Default Lone Camper

    This is my first post although I have been watching this site for over a year.
    (Great site BTW)
    I love camping. The family has left the tent for the luxury of hotels. I have the itch to go, no one wants to go and they have vetoed the possibility of me going solo. How does a person find a group or club to camp with? I have tried to do a "search" but most are RV groups or "ahem" not my style. I'm on the West coast, I tent camp, and I'm a family person. Any ideas?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Sierra Club or Community organizations

    Quote Originally Posted by 5150camper
    This is my first post although I have been watching this site for over a year.
    Well, we are pleased you "threw your mouse into the ring" and joined us!
    How does a person find a group or club to camp with? I have tried to do a "search" but most are RV groups or "ahem" not my style. I'm on the West coast, I tent camp, and I'm a family person.
    Off hand I would suggest looking at the Sierra Club or a simlar out-reach organization as they often organize such trips. Even better, see if your local civic site has a hiking club. Most day-hikers often like to do over-nights and if you go on one or two day-hike trips, you should find a way to hook-up.

    {Sorry your thread got bounced around when you first posted -- I over-ruled the Moderator of the Day -- Moderator Brad -- on the placement location, but he couldn't tell I was around -- hence the confusion).


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Washington state coast/Olympic Peninsula

    Default I concur with the Sierra Club

    In the PNW, we have numerous clubs for outdoor activities. The Mountaineers does more than mountaineering and has numerous hiking, camping, etc. activities. And then we have a local group called The Olympians who mainly hike in the nearby Olympics. I would be surprised if your area doesn't have a similar group. If you can't find one by googling, maybe you can ask at local camping/sporting goods stores.

    Now, about solo camping....why did your family veto it? Just curious. I've done a lot of solo camping safely and so have many other people I know. Maybe if you could list their reasons for vetoing it, I can help you come up with some good arguments in defense of solo camping.

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