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  1. Default Web Journals on the road

    Im planning my first major solo road trip in September accross the U.S. and want to keep a blog of my journey for family and friends to read. Normally I only make small trips accross South Carolina but this is a major step for me and an important one that I want to learn from. Im just not sure about how to set up one and use it on the road. I have a laptop ( a rather large one but can still manage travel with it) with a wireless connection. Would I need to pay for a website or is there a free service I can use to keep updates and pictures on?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default The easiest one out there

    Quote Originally Posted by BlindSword
    Im planning my first major solo road trip in September accross the U.S. and want to keep a blog of my journey for family and friends to read.
    Google bought I-Blogger and it is generally the easiest (free) blog to set up and use. Here is a link that explains how to do it.

    Happy Travels!


  3. #3
    RoadTripper Brad Guest

    Default Blogger is the one

    I too use blogger, although not for a road-journal. It has some GREAT remote connectivity features such as the ability to send Text and picture messages to an email address, from which you can later claim the posts and merge them into your weblog/journal. Great for those moments when you can only send a message from your cell phone.

    Another great thing is the Audioblogger feature which allows you to call and record an MP3 Audio-entry from any phone. This is great even if all you have is a payphone and a few quarters.

    I've used it a few times, and I simply love it so far.


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