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  1. Default Los Angeles To Dallas

    Does anyone know the best scenic, leisurely route from Los Angeles to Dallas? I want to spend about a week driving there.

    Many thanks!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default In the summertime?

    Quote Originally Posted by LA TO DALLS
    Does anyone know the best scenic, leisurely route from Los Angeles to Dallas? I want to spend about a week driving there.
    Tim, welcome to the Great American RoadTrip Forum! This is hot time of year to be traveling to Dallas and some of the most scenic places are going to be tad warm. When are you going?


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Tucson, AZ

    Default One Man's Ceiling

    Welcome aboard the RoadTrip America forum.

    Mark is correct in noting that the "best" route depends on the time of year. It also depends on your own tastes, what you consider relaxing, and what type of scenery appeals to you. I'm going to assume that since you posted in the Planning Summer Road Trips forum, that you'll be travelling this summer. And then I'm going to tell you what I would do if I had a week to make the trip. Basically, I'd head across southern Utah and Colorado hitting one gorgeous national park after another.

    Such a trip would have you start out by heading up to Las Vegas for a day or two, not so much for the shows and gambling as the great parks nearby such as Red Rock Canyon and Valley of Fire. From there, continue up I-15 into southern Utah where you'd use UT-9 into the Canyon area of Zion National Park. Continue eastbound on 9 to US-89 north for a short jog over to UT-12 east and Bryce Canyon National Park, and then beyond to UT-24 and Capitol Reef National Park. At Hanksville, take UT-95 south to Natural Bridges National Monument. From here take a short detour down UT-261 and US-163 through Monument Valley, then pick up US-160 east through Four Corners to Mesa Verde National Park. If you're of a mind, take a nostalgic ride on an old narrow gauge steam railroad.Continuing east, you'd go up and over the 10450 foot high Wolf Creek pass. Eventually, you join up with I-25 for a short run down to Raton, NM where you pick up US-64 to Capulin Volcano National Monument and a hike around the rim (you can drive to the top of the caldera). Continue on US-64 and US-87 into Amarillo. From there US-287 basically follows the Red River Valley into Dallas. With all those parks to visit, be sure to pick up a National Parks Pass. The most amazing part about this trip is that, at only 1800 miles, it's just a few hundred miles longer than the shortest, direct interstate route between LA and Dallas of about 1450 miles.

    Last edited by AZBuck; 06-17-2006 at 08:21 PM. Reason: Fix Link

  4. Default Many many thanks

    Wow, many thanks for the itinerary. I really appreciate your keen insight. Will definitely take you up on it!

    This is my first roadtrip ever and I'm 40! I think I grew up taking planes all my life and missed out big time on some amazing roadtrips!

    All the best,


  5. Default avoid the desert

    word on what AZbuck said. I drove from Dallas to LA last summer on I-20 through the desert, only stopping for gas. It was ridiculous. The sun goes down and you're in the middle of a desert that extends for what seems like days, and then the sun comes up and goes down again and you're still in the same desert. I was just trying to get from here to there as fast as possible, but I would definitely recommend going through utah and colorado if not canada. Be warned!

    btw, why Dallas? I've lived here for a couple years and I just don't see the attraction, but more and more people are vacationing here. Maybe you can tell ME what's cool to do in this city!
    Last edited by Mark Sedenquist; 06-20-2006 at 08:07 AM. Reason: Good neighbor language

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Most of us love the desert

    Quote Originally Posted by Illmaeo
    word on what AZbuck said. I drove from Dallas to LA last summer on I-20 through the desert, only stopping for gas. It was ridiculous. The sun goes down and you're in the middle of a desert that extends for what seems like days, and then the sun comes up and goes down again and you're still in the same desert.
    It is hard for me to consider any part of Texas as being desert (altough the Big Bend area comes close) -- but deserts have always felt like home to me. I would much rather drive and explore in the Mojave desert than in the tree-covered northwest. There is much beauty to find and enjoy in the deserts of the world.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Washington state coast/Olympic Peninsula

    Default Blasphemy!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Editor
    I would much rather drive and explore in the Mojave desert than in the tree-covered northwest.
    Pure blasphemy! LOL

    Isn't it funny how different people like different things? Personally, I love the green forests and the various types of deserts equally...and rolling plains, and wheatfields, etc. They're all good. Since I'm surrounded by green most of the time, getting into different types of topography and seeing new landscapes is part of the roadtrip appeal to me. I'll never forget my first time driving through desert areas. I was astounded by the variety of colors, types of rock, etc. Amazing.

    However, I know quite a few folks who have driven through the southwest, the midwest, etc. once and will never do it again. They hated it. Unfortunately, they don't get the "there are no boring roads" philosophy.
    Last edited by Mark Sedenquist; 06-20-2006 at 09:16 AM. Reason: typo

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Bambi's home and all of that

    Quote Originally Posted by Judy
    Pure blasphemy!
    Yeah, Bambi's home does have some nice features: streams, smell of trees, bears, skunks, well... you get my drift.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Washington state coast/Olympic Peninsula

    Default Never met a skunk yet!

    Quote Originally Posted by Editor
    Yeah, Bambi's home does have some nice features: streams, smell of trees, bears, skunks, well... you get my drift.

    In all our hiking and my husband's extended hunting trips, we've never met a skunk yet. (She said while knocking on wood so as to not jinx herself. LOL)

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Keithville, LA

    Default Don't Come to Louisiana Then

    Originally Posted by Judy
    "In all our hiking and my husband's extended hunting trips, we've never met a skunk yet. (She said while knocking on wood so as to not jinx herself. LOL"
    It seems lately that I've seen a dead skunk, or armadillo, on the road to my house on a daily basis. Yeah - the smell isn't so great. It's odd since I only live a mile outside of the city limits. But, we've also been hearing coyotes and a neighbors swears he saw a panther the other day.

    Who wants to come for a visit? LOL


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