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Thread: Ca-Wa

  1. Default Ca-Wa

    Hi....I don't really know how to work this web site. I'm looking for help. My parents have deceide it is a good time to take a family vacation again. I live in Switzerland and will be flying to S.F. where my sister lives (Bay Area) and where I grew up. My parents have recently retired to Sequim WA. Who knows great things to do between S.F. and Seattle. Unfortunately my mother is unable to do any hiking at all and we will be traveling with my 8 year old. Any suggestions?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Tucson, AZ

    Default We Can Work It Out

    Welcome aboard the RoadTrip America forum.

    Bienvenue sur le forum de RoadTrip Amérique.

    Insert the German, Italian or Romansche (as appropriate to your region of Switzerland) version here.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shannan
    Hi....I don't really know how to work this web site.
    Well, as I've shown today, I don't quite have all its ins and outs down yet either, but together I think we can make it work for you.

    The San Francisco to Seattle trip is easily one of the top handful of trips discussed on these forums, so rather than try to reinvent the wheel here, I'm going to direct you to a number of the more informative previous posts. Be sure to come back if you have any more questions after reading through them

    Thread 1
    Thread 2
    Thread 3
    Thread 4

    We also offer advice for foreign guests those travelling with families, and the handicapped. I hope you find these of use as well.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default How long? What kind of vehicle?

    Quote Originally Posted by Shannan
    Hi....I don't really know how to work this web site.
    Well, you have made a good start and so welcome to the Great American RoadTrip Forum. It would help us, help you if we knew when you were planning to travel, what kind of vehicle and what kinds of thinks interest you. And I see AZBuck is already on the job, so I will just suggest that you look at the bottom of this page.


  4. Default

    You couldn't have picked a nicer drive, SF to Seattle. There is so much to see. You start in the wine country.
    Up 101 into the Wine country
    Then over to hwy 1 for some California Coast-Gualala, Searanch, Mendocino-Fort Bragg
    Hwy 1 takes you back to 101 into the Redwood Country -Avenue of the Giants- Lunch at the Benbow Inn

    Up the Oregon Coast
    Cannon Beach
    East to Portland

    Then into Washington
    Mt St. Helens has a great visitor center
    Olympic Rain Forest
    Seattle- Lots to do, Experience Music Project Museum, Boeing Tour, Pike Place, Waterfront, Underground tour

    Take a ferry over to one of the islands and then to Victoria Canada.

    If you driving back take hwy 5 down through Portland, down to Medford and Ashland, maybe stop at Crater Lake NP along the way down. Back into California with a stop at Lake Shasta.
    Last edited by Kenr; 06-16-2006 at 08:55 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Washington state coast/Olympic Peninsula

    Default Just a suggestion

    Kenr said

    Cannon Beach
    East to Portland

    Then into Washington
    If you're going to Sequim, I would stay on 101 going north to Astoria. At Astoria, cross the wonderful 5-mile bridge over the mouth of the Columbia River to Washington, and then continue up to Sequim via 101, around the west side of the Olympic Peninsula to Sequim.

    On the way back, it would be a good time to go down the east side of the Olympic Peninsula, maybe take the ferry over to Seattle, and then head home down I-5 for a different route with different things to see. At this point, a stop at Mt. St. Helens is in order.

    At least that's how I'd do it.

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