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  1. #1

    Default on the road "to" Vegas

    As the "Highwayman" -- "playing" on the local freeways -- I had made several "assists" this day --
    ONE of them was on the I-8 WB between 70th St - Lake Murray and the College Ave exchanges.

    I pulled up behind an older Datsun pickup on the RS and steaming -- gal had the hood up and had already located the problem -- a small bypass hose had blown -- well, I carry bulk lengths of hose of that sort for situations like this so we proceeded to effect the repair togeather -- shoulder was wide and unobstructed so I pulled the rig up beside her truck for better access to my tools -- she mentioned she had called her husband prior to my arrival -- as I got out from moving the rig, I glanced back up the road, and there,walking on the shoulder coming towards us, was a man, a little shorter then I and a little stockier, with long hair, a mustache, dark complected [ but not Hispanic ] looked to be in his 40s maybe.

    As he came up to us, I asked the gal if she knew him but she didn't. At this point her husband arrived and I went to talk with the walker. He asked me if I knew how to get to Las Vegas? I said "well, yes but I'm kinda busy right now if you'll wait over there where it's safe I'll talk to you in a couple of minutes." -- went back to work completing the repair with the help of the woman's husband -- filled the radiator -- ran the engine for a bit to check for leaks or overheat damage [ none luckily ] and instructed them how to "launch" safely back into the traffic flow -- [ both did ]

    THEN -- I turned to the fellow who had waited patiently for my attention and noticed that he was carrying only a large, old fashioned, red Bible and a bottle of water and wore no jacket and only lightweight clothes.

    He again stated that he needed to get to Las Vegas and could I get him there? -- I said that I could give him a lift off the freeway and to the train station. He said that he didn't have any money and showed me a wallet that had a Nevada ID in it and nothing else [ and NO -- I don't remember the name on it, but it WAS his picture ]

    Well, to get him off the freeway, and out of harm's way and a possible ticket from the CHP I decided to give him a lift to a safer place.

    As he got in next to Shela [ my search dog and "shotgun" rider ] she GRINNED at him and moved over without my having to tell her to.

    He began to talk of his travels, and having just come from Cuba as I "launched" back into traffic and tried to figure out what I was going to be able to do for him -- I momentarialy got the urge to tAKE him to Vegas before "sanity" returned and I figured to drop him at the Fairmont exit where he could walk safely.

    But no -- he pointed to the 15 north exchange and said "that's the way to Vegas please"

    So, I took the 15 north and swung off at Friar's Road and pulled to the curb where he could cross to the other side to catch a ride in the right direction safely.

    As he got out of the rig, I handed him a McDonald's $5 gift cert book, some of my "survival rations" from the rig's stock, and, as the skys were looking threatening, one of my "trash bag" ponchos I carry for accident victims. As I turned to leave, he put down what he was carrying and reached out with both arms and hugged me and said "thank you Thomas"

    I hadn't told him my name!

    I drove up the road to the first light [ short distance ] made a right to swing a u turn to come back and reenter the freeway -- He was GONE -- He was only out of my sight for a moment as I turned.

    THEN -- I thought back to when I'd first seen him approaching us on the freeway shoulder -- he HADN'T come from the 70th St - Lake Murray exchange because I'd have SEEN him as I passed before I stopped to help the little lady!!

    Got home, told the wife, she said "Tom , tomorrow's Easter."
    Last edited by The San Diego Highwayman; 06-13-2006 at 07:25 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Washington state coast/Olympic Peninsula

    Default Interesting....

    and inspirational. I tend to think that there are sometimes angels among us. It's a big world with lots of surprising mysteries.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Keithville, LA

    Default Wonderful Story

    Thank you so much for sharing this. It's so easy to be mistrusting of strangers - yet you went out of your way to be kind.


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