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  1. Default Planning a trip for summer '07

    Hi, I'm new around here; found the site through Google. I'm located in central Louisiana, and my best friend and I are planning a road trip for her graduation next summer. I figured it's best to plan early, so here I am.

    Neither of us have ever been on a road trip, but it's been a goal for a long time. We're trying to gather ideas on different destinations, attractions, pitstops, anything and everything. According to my best friend, she's aiming somewhere northeast-ish, but not as far as the New England area.

    Any ideas, comments, helpful hints, and links are welcome!
    Thank you,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Green County, Wisconsin

    Default The Basics

    Welcome to the RTA Forum, We're glad you found us.

    The key to getting started on planning a roadtrip is to first create an outline of the basics. How much time do you have, what general direction do you want to go, and what sort of things you want to see and/or accomplish during your trip.

    I would check out many of the articles in RTA's Roadtrip Planning section, particulalry the Roadtrip Compatability Test, which will help you and your compainion make sure you are on the same page for your trip, as well as The Art of the Roadtrip, which is a great primer for getting out there.

    Have Fun!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Keithville, LA

    Default Head West my Child

    I see that your friend wants to go east, but the west is so different than Louisiana (I'm in Shreveport). I went to the Northeast last year, but found that it was a lot like a colder and less humid southeast.

    The only problem is that we are barricaded into the southeast by Texas - It's a 1 1/2 day drive (usually) to cross it if you go straight across I-10/I-20 or a days drive to get to eastern New Mexico. But it's definitely worth it.

    If your set on the east coast then I'd suggest Florida and Georgia as destinations. I've never really taken trips there when I've been in control of the trip but they are states that are on my "redo" list along with New York city.

    Let us know when you have a more specific plan in mind and we can help you better.


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