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  1. Default planning a trip from ny to nm

    I wanted to plan a trip in august from long island ny to angelfire nm. I will be traveling w/ 3 boys 11, 6, 3. I am going to try and take my time and wanted to stop a few times. I am a first time road tripper and would like ANY help that I can get. thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Washington state coast/Olympic Peninsula

    Default That's a tall order!

    Welcome to the RTA forums!

    There is lots of advice on this forum regarding places to stop, great routes to take, and ways to make the trip fun for kids. I would suggest reading through the forums to pick up some of these ideas. You might pick a few key locations you plan on stopping along the way and do a search for any information on them using the "search" button on the lower-green bar above. You might also do a search for "kids" to read some of the posts regarding traveling with kids.

    Also check out the various articles on the "Roadtrip Planning" page on the upper-green bar above. There's lots of good advice on those pages.

    I'll be glad to come back and try to answer any specific questions you might have. And I'm sure others will chime in. But your question is too vague right now. I wouldn't know where to start.

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