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  1. Default Roadtrip from Calgary, AB to LA, Cali

    hi, i was just wondering if anyone has made a trip like this recently (2500 miles one way), and if so would be willing to share some tips. we are planning to go from calgary, alberta to LA and back within about 7-10 days. a couple things i was wondering about was would it be cheaper to rent a car, if so from which company, and some tips on goods locations to stop overnight along the way. any help would be greatly appreciated!

  2. Default

    Not quite the same.. but I've done Jasper to LA in the last several years. That was 4 days of pretty solid driving... From Jasper to Cache Creek (one day), then another moderate day to Bellingham WA (via Whistler), and then to Redding CA (long day) , and from there to LA (long day). The computer says a more easterly route via Salt Lake City and Las Vegas would be perhaps a day shorter in drive time -- but I don't have much experience in that areas.

    What route were you thinking of taking? And what type of things are you interested in visiting along the way?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Green County, Wisconsin

    Default Holy Cow!

    Welcome to the RTA Forum!

    5000 miles is one heck of a long distance to cover in 7-10 days. Even at 10 days, you're looking at 500 miles or about 9 hours of driving a day, every day during your trip. And That's assuming you are turning around as soon as you reach LA. You'll have to cover even more ground if you are planning to spend a day or two in LA.

    As far as renting a car, if you can find a company that will allow you to cross the border without penalty and give you unlimited milage, it could be cost effective to rent a car. It just depends upon how much the rental would cost, and how much it is worth to you to avoid putting 5 thousand miles on your personal vehicle.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Twice, but never in 7-10 days

    Quote Originally Posted by coheed
    hi, i was just wondering if anyone has made a trip like this recently
    It has been nearly ten years since I did it -- I have done it twice, but I never tried to do it roundtrip in 7-10 days. It is possible, but like Midwest Michael reports, darn tough -- you will spend nearly every waking moment driving. Pretty tough for sightseeing. If you do it, be sure your read and think about our Speed Run Tips!


  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Green County, Wisconsin

    Default Not Quite as Bad

    Actually, when I looked up the route, I found it is only 1500 miles or so one way (via Salt Lake City).

    So you'd only have a 3000 mile trip. Still a long way to go in 10 days, but it is much more manageable. Assuming you are planning to spend a couple days in LA, you'll still probably be looking at 400-500 mile days, which is long, but feasable.

  6. Default

    we were thinking about taking the I-15 route through montana, idaho, utah, etc. so i don't know if u have taken that route. our main attraction is going to california, as we wont be stopping anywhere for more than overnight (if u can suggest anywhere nice that would be great). i have never done a road trip this size before (i do calgary to vancouver a couple times a year but that is it) so i would like to know some precautions to take, and any additional advice.

    o ya another thing, did u schedule an oil change or rotation of tires or anything like than before u headed home?

    thanks again for your help!

  7. Default

    oooops, i seemed to have typed the distance wrong in my initial post, the trip is approximately 2500 Km (so about 1500 miles). sorry for the miscommunication. how much time would you guys give yourself if u were driving? i am going to have 3 other people in the car with me, so we will be able cover a good distance each day with spelling each other off.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Green County, Wisconsin

    Default A 27 Hour Trip

    We generally figure a 53-57 mph average for interstate travel. That includes very brief stops for gas and rest, but no extended stops for meals or anything else of the like.

    On a 1500 mile one way trip, you'll be looking at about 27 hours behind the wheel each way. A 500 mile a day trip is what I consider to be a comfortably long day, so I'd recommend a 3 day trip each way.

    However, if you wanted to push things a little bit you could try to cut it down to about 2 and a half days - perhaps stopping in Idaho Falls and then in Las Vegas. That would give you 650 or so mile trips the first two days, and then a relatively quick 5 hour drive into LA the 3rd day. With limited time, and 3 drivers, I'd consider doing this in your situation.

    If you are really feeling crazy, you could try to cut it down to a 2 day trip, but that would mean 13-14 or so hours of driving each day. That's more than I would want to do, but it is possible.

    As far as car repairs go, on a 3 thousand mile trip you shouldn't have to worry about doing any service while on the road. Get an inspection and have the routine things like oil changes done before you leave, and you shouldn't have any problems.

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