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  1. #1

    Default Oregon/California border ideas

    Hey all,

    I was just trying to get some input on what might be better to do on my way back from Bend next month.
    My dad and I are taking a seven-day fishing/roadtrip. We're gonna leave from Lodi, CA and drive straight through to Olympia, WA with a detour to Mt. St. Helens on the first day. A lot of driving, but my friend and I did this exact leg in March with less daylight and it was do-able.
    From there we are gonna go visit Mt. Rainier National Park and probably sleep in Yakima that night. From there we head to Bend, OR to fish the Deschutes and Crooked Rivers, play some golf, and enjoy what I think will someday be my future home town. We plan on spending 4 days in Bend.
    Is there anything noteworthy of seeing between Yakima and Bend?
    The day we leave Bend, we are gonna spend the day hikin around Crater Lake. And start our way home. This is where I need some ideas.
    I could see us cutting across to the coast to see the giant redwoods. Coming down the center and checking out the Lava Beds National Monument (is this a worthy stop?). From there I'd want to go towards Burney, CA and see Burney Falls before cutting back to I-5 in Redding.
    Or the last way, I've kind of always wanted to see what Goose Lake looks like, that is one area of California I have never even come close to seeing. Is this a nice ride? We'd come down through Alturas back to Redding.

    Last edited by Mark Sedenquist; 07-23-2006 at 03:43 PM. Reason: Add link to RTA article about the falls

  2. #2
    RoadTripper Brad Guest

    Default Stonehenge

    One thing to see between Yakima, WA and Bend, OR is the Maryhill Museum and Stonehenge Memorial. It is just above the Columbia River on the south side of Satus Pass (US 97), which is your most direct route to Bend, OR from Yakima.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Washington state coast/Olympic Peninsula

    Default much more than that.

    I think Brad has been in Arizona too long, LOL.

    When you leave Yakima, you will be on I-82. Drive about 5 miles past the intersection with Hwy 97 to the town of Zillah. Take Exit 50. Unfortunately, this gas station was closed about a year ago but, up until that time, it was the oldest gas station in continuous operation in the US. Built in 1922 as a protest over the Teapot Dome scandal. Very cute and unique building. So sad it's closed but it's still worth a look.

    Then head back on I-82 to the Hwy 97 intersection and head south. You'll only go about 5 miles until you get to Toppenish. Toppenish is known for its murals. They have an annual festival when a new mural is painted. It's worth a drive around town to check out the murals. They are quite good and are of historic or cultural content.

    In Goldendale is the Goldendale Observatory. Personally, I would try to hit this area at night and then spend the night in Goldendale. Do some research into this to see if it's open first though. If it is, at night you can take a tour of the observatory and get a chance to look through the lens. This is a very cool experience. My kids loved it almost as much as their dad and I did. A definite must-see.

    Then check out Maryhill Museum (awesome works by the sculptor Rodin) and Stonehenge. At the base of the hill from Stonehenge is a very nice park on the river. If it's hot and you want a swim, you can't ask for a nicer place to refresh yourself and have a picnic.

    Gosh....I'm not thinking of what there is to do in Oregon but I know there must be something. I remember it being a beautiful drive along the grasslands near Madras. I doubt you'll be needing to spend the night in the Madras area since it's not far from Bend but if you do, you might want to head up to Warm Springs and stay at Kahneeta Resort run by the Warm Springs Indian Nation. They have teepees you can rent to stay in. Kinda fun. If you want to do this, you might want to make reservations. And you must bring your own bedding.

    I thought Lava Beds NM was pretty cool. Haven't been to Burney Falls.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Three Sisters Drive (er something)

    Quote Originally Posted by packman
    I was just trying to get some input on what might be better to do on my way back from Bend next month.
    Hey, Brett, can I stow along? Gorgeous country and it has been too long since I was there.

    Memory is a flighty thing -- there is a road near the Three Sisters where you can wind your way up to the top of a volcanic cone -- but I can't remember the name of it. Awesome views. But there is another scenic road as you head south from Bend -- I think it will be all open, but you will need to check.

    Basically it is known as the Cascades Lakes Scenic byway. This site has some overview info. It is about a 72-mile drive and connects US-97 with SR-58. The route follows several roads, (Colorado Blvd, Century Drive, and for a stretch it is called the Cascades Lakes Scenic byway).

    If you can take time for another fishing interlude -- Hosmer Lake (about three miles off the route) is known for its good supply of Atlantic salmon...

    Be sure to stop at Osprey Point near the Crane Prarie Reservoir -- your timing could be perfect to see nesting fish hawks at this location.
    Or the last way, I've kind of always wanted to see what Goose Lake looks like, that is one area of California I have never even come close to seeing. Is this a nice ride? We'd come down through Alturas back to Redding
    I have never stopped at the Lava Beds, so don't really know what that will be like. I spent some time near Ft. Bidwell near Goose Lake -- I like the area, but some folks might consider it a little bleak out there. It is certainly stark -- wind-swept plains with little human interaction. But it is very peaceful and liberating.

    Sounds like a fun trip!


  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by packman
    I could see us cutting across to the coast to see the giant redwoods. Coming down the center and checking out the Lava Beds National Monument (is this a worthy stop?).
    Brett - I thought Lava Beds National Monument was awesome! The park itself is pretty small actually, and very remote, way up in the northest corner of California, but that's typically the point when you want to get away from it all.

    I was fascinated by the perfect cinder cones, this one, Shochin Butte, is an easy hike to the top you must do. Fire Lookout at the top is incredible view of Mt Shasta and 360 view! Can even clearly see it from space. All that black stuff at top right in the satellite photo is actually lava flow from the cinder cone. Not much grows out of it.

    If you carry a decent map of the region like the AAA sectional series for CA, you'll see Old Camp Rd on there which is your shortcut back to Burney Falls to see the waterfall. (Hwy 139 is scenic, but pretty boring/straight.) They paved it a few years back, and in several places it's paved right across the top of 10,000 year old lava flows. Very cool.

  6. #6
    RoadTripper Brad Guest

    Default Not quite a desert rat

    Quote Originally Posted by Judy
    I think Brad has been in Arizona too long, LOL.
    Aye, that I have.... and I'm itchin to return to Central Washington ASAP! Hopefully I can in November.

    I forgot about the observatory (d'oh!).


  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Bay Area, CA

    Default both good!

    I'd been to Lava Beds National Monument and McArthur Burney falls. They are both amazing.
    In fact, I would say, "not to be missed". There is a trail in Burney falls that takes you to the top of the falls.
    There are a couple of very good waterfalls in the Shasta Trinity forest also.

    I remember taking a trail(some sheep montain??? maybe I am wrong). The trail started from the Klamath visitor center and climbs up the mountain just behind it. Good spot for birdwatching. Remember reading a warning for snakes along the trail somewhere.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Great ideas,

    Quote Originally Posted by pashnit
    Brett - I thought Lava Beds National Monument was awesome! The park itself is pretty small actually, and very remote, way up in the northest corner of California, but that's typically the point when you want to get away from it all.
    Great detail and ideas, as usual!



  9. #9

    Default Thanks

    Thanks for all the info guys. Some great information and advice. I'm gonna map this out a bit more and see what I can do.

    Thanks again,

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