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Thread: LA to Dallas

  1. #1

    Default LA to Dallas

    In about 10 days Im making this roadtrip with my sister. Its not established around sight seeing, as in we probly wont spend the night on the way. I would however Like to know of any places along the way, where we could stop, that would not take up alot of time. If there is just some really good reasturaunt or just anything not that far out of the way.

    We will take I-10 from LA to Texas, then Merge onto I-20 and on to Dallas.

    If there is anyone familiar with this route and knows some fun places to visit, Please Reply.

  2. #2


    Az - I've done that ride, and remember looking at all the stuff marked on the map that I passed by and wished I had more time for. Keep in mind, Joshua Tree near Palm Springs is not too far off the freeway, and just to the north. You could easily run up into the national monument, and run back. Well worth the detour.

    One thing I remember about that ride was around Midland, Texas, there was an Oil Museum. Probably sounds dumb, but I sure wished I would have stopped and checked that out, just looked interesting. It was right off the freeway on the north side, and along an intensely boring and straight section of perfect-nothingness that Texas is so famous for. You might have to swing by and tell us how it was!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default 1435 miles and no stops?

    Quote Originally Posted by azo
    In about 10 days Im making this roadtrip with my sister. Its not established around sight seeing, as in we probly wont spend the night on the way.
    Welcome to the Great American RoadTrip Forum. You are planning on driving this stretch without an over-night stop? That would be 25 hours of driving. Make sure you read our suggestions for a speed run!
    If there is anyone familiar with this route and knows some fun places to visit,
    There are lots and lots of places to stop and explore -- how long can you stretch the trip out?


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Oil Museum

    Quote Originally Posted by pashnit
    One thing I remember about that ride was around Midland, Texas, there was an Oil Museum.
    It is cool, Megan stopped there and filed this report.


  5. #5


    well, my sister is the kind of person that will try and drive the 22 hour trip from LA straight. Thats why im going, so we can trade off some behind the wheel, and so she dosent try to do it so fast. We will probly aim for about a 25-30 hour drive, which sould not be too bad with us trading off driving.

    Thanks for those places suggested, does anyone else know of some more?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Keithville, LA

    Default Tombstone and The Thing

    I really enjoyed visiting these two attractions (both right off the interstate in Arizona) when I did a similar trip from Simi Valley, California back home to Shreveport, LA. And I did it with my sister too.

    The Thing is off I-10 at exit 318 in a Dairy Queen. There are tons of signs for it. It's just one of those side of the road attractions everyone should see just to say they did it.

    I'd like to go back to Tombstone one day. We managed to arrive there on the 4th of July and it was a zoo with parades and people everywhere. It was a random excursion off the road and not a destination for the trip, so we weren't that upset. You'll have to report back whether it's worth the stop or not.

    BTW - we broke the journey up over two days because we did stop a lot and explore.


  7. #7


    So far, here are the planned stops that we might possibly make

    1. Chiriaco Summit, Cali - Patton WWII Museum
    2. The Thing - Exit 318
    3. Tombstone? - Since its 35 minutes out of the way, probly not
    4. Western Playland Amusement Park - El Paso
    5. The Petroleum Museum, Midland, Texas
    6. Ratliff Stadium - Odessa Texas (Home stadium of Permian from Friday Night Lights)

    I know there are probly alot more places to see, so if you can post them before friday I would appriciate very much. Thanks

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default A few ideas

    Quote Originally Posted by azo
    We will take I-10 from LA to Texas, then Merge onto I-20 and on to Dallas.
    Your question is puzzling, because there are literally hundreds of stops you could make along the way, but all will take more than twenty minutes. But here are a dozen or so places to consider: Cabazon Dinos, Joshua Tree National Park, Fountain Hills Arizona Sonora Desert Museum near Tucson, Saguaro NP, Kartchner Caverns!, Chircahua National Monument, La Mesilla (near Las Cruces), White Sands NM, Carlsbad Caverns NP, Guadalupe NP, Monahans, and a bunch of cool stuff in Texas found on this site.


  9. #9


    Your Right, I have thought about it more. I didnt litterally mean that, I just ment that we dont want to spend hours at this place and that... If its a good attraction we will probly stay for a little while. If someone has the time to list the hundreds of stops we could make, please do so. We definantly wont stop everywhere but it would be nice to have a long list to pick from. Although we do not wish to travel more than a few miles off the interstates, unless it is really worth it...

    And we are also probly going to stay some where for the night now, so we will have more time. So thanks for some of those ideas and please keep listing some more.

  10. #10


    Thanks to everyone for helping me out, this will probly be the lat time i use a computer before i go. What I get back, I will give an update and tell what attractions you should go vist if you ever make this trip.

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