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  1. Default WA to Anaheim, CA 3 days

    The wife and I are taking a 2 week roadtrip in early June, and have almost all of the trip mapped out, except of course the first 3 days. We leave Yakima, WA the afternoon of the 6th, and need to be in Anaheim around noon on the 9th. Basically would like to make a stop in Oregon (probably central to Southern), and a stop in North-to-Central CA as well. Camping is definitely a possibility, or staying in a motel/hotel is ok as well. Personally driving straight through to Anaheim is do-able (gone straight through to LA before, then back a day later), obviously the coast is pretty much out, but could swing out and then back inland if it's worth it. I've been down the coast with my folks as a kid, but my wife has barely been out of state. Wouldn't mind stopping in the Redwood forest, or in the Siskiyous (or however it's spelled).
    Any input would be great,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Washington state coast/Olympic Peninsula

    Default Gosh, you need to get her out to the coast sometime!

    If you really don't have time to do the coast, I can only say "too bad". If your wife has lived in Washington for years without seeing the coastal areas, she's missing a treat. The Washington coast is beautiful and the Oregon coast is amazing! How about for your return trip?

    If you really want to check out the Redwoods, I would suggest the following:

    Go down I-5 to Grants Pass and then take Hwy 199 to Crescent City, CA. This will take you through the Sikiyous and Redwood National Park. Then, enjoy California's amazingly beautiful, rugged coastline to San Francisco and then head over to I-5 for the rest of the way to Anaheim.

    You could spend the night in Grants Pass on the first night. I'm not real sure where to recommend staying the second night. Probably somewhere around San Francisco. Then shoot down to Anaheim on I-5.

    Hope this helps!

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