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Thread: VA to CA

  1. Default VA to CA

    We are planning on a 6-7 day trip from Roanoke, VA to Los Angeles, CA. It should be in the last week of May (23-29). This is our first road trip, and we want to make it a memorable one.
    Can people in this forum advise me on the following:
    (i) The best route to take
    (ii) The not-to-be missed spots on the way
    (iii) Pointers to how to prepare for the weather in the middle of the continent
    (iv) Any not-to-be forgotten, or not-to-be done stuff

    Appreciate a lot,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default St Louis Arch and Beyond!

    Quote Originally Posted by Xylo
    We are planning on a 6-7 day trip from Roanoke, VA to Los Angeles, CA. It should be in the last week of May (23-29). This is our first road trip, and we want to make it a memorable one.
    Welcome to the Great American RoadTrip Forum -- a classic cross-country trek just in time for Memorial Day!
    (i) The best route to take
    Six or seven days is a great length of time -- not too rushed, but you still need to average about 400 miles per day to cover the 2500 miles or so. The two primary routes from Roanoke would be I-40 to and I-64 to I-70 to I-15 and if it were me, I would opt for the I-70 route so you can go through Louisville and St. Louis. Be sure to watch the movie in the visitor's center and then ride those crazy elevator/cars to the top of the arch. There is alot of discussion on this Forum about other attractions and must-see's along I-70. One of my favorite sections of interstate highway in America is along the I-70 in the eastern Utah.

    Happy Planning!


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Washington state coast/Olympic Peninsula

    Default This is a tall order!

    The answers to your questions can easily fill a book. Here's some short answers to get you started.

    Quote Originally Posted by Xylo
    (i) The best route to take
    Our editor gave you some good ideas. However, the best route is really the one that takes you by the things you really want to see and that is do-able in the time you have. Are the some things that you've always wanted to see? I would start with a large map of the US and pick out some sights you really want to see and then figure out if there are good routes going near these places.

    (ii) The not-to-be missed spots on the way
    There are numerous routes across the US. Until you narrow this down, it's hard to answer. Some of my must-sees are Glacier National Park, Yellowstone, and Grand Canyon/Zion/Bryce. However, in the time you have, there is no way you can zig-zag north-to-south to fit all these in. However, you can see one of them depending on whether you pick a northern, middle, or southern route. Again, this will be easier to answer once you get your route narrowed down.

    (iii) Pointers to how to prepare for the weather in the middle of the continent
    I wouldn't foresee too much trouble with weather at this time of year. However, it sure doesn't hurt to keep an eye on The Weather Channel in the evening to see if foul weather is predicted on your next day's route. Also simply listening to local radio stations for weather forecasts. Some people like to travel with a NOAA weather radio. Some CB's come with a weather alert channel and a CB is handy while on the road. What do I do? I simply listen to local radio stations if, for some reason, I'm concerned.

    (iv) Any not-to-be forgotten, or not-to-be done stuff
    Again, easier to answer once your route is narrowed down. Some general tips: be adventurous, have a go-with-the-flow attitude because delays or mishaps are inevitable so you might as well enjoy them, try to schedule time in your day for stops at serendipitious sights that interest you, don't schedule yourself so tight that you can't stop and rest if needed, there are no boring roads as even the most mundane landscape has beauty and, if you watch closely, really changes more than you might imagine.

    I hope you'll do a bit of research by searching through these forums and reading some of the other pages on this website which chronicle roadtrips others have made, etc. There's lots of good stuff here to help you get a basic plan for your trip. Once you've done that, I hope you'll return so we can help you narrow things down and give you more specific advice.

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