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  1. Default Clockwise or Counterclockwise?

    My wife and I will be leaving for a trip from New Orleans to Vancouver and back in early June. We will have approximately 8 weeks for this journey. Her family is in Vancouver, so that's going to be about 5-7 days stayover. We have many things that we want to see on this trip and from the beginning of the planning stages, we've been planning a counterclockwise route: major points of interest being; Witchita, Dodge City, Aurora, Cheyenne, Mt. Rushmore, Yellowstone, Glacier, Banff, Vancouver, Washington/Oregon Coast to San Fransisco, Yosemite, Las Vegas, Grand Canyon, Tombstone, Carlsbad, San Antonio, back home (with stops in between whenever something interesting arises). Is this a bit too much to bite off? Will 8 weeks be enough time? Should we take this trip in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction? What will the weather difference be by starting out heading west as opposed to heading north?

  2. #2
    RoadTripper Brad Guest

    Default Differences

    Just to clarify, Vancouver, Washington or Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada?

    My experience so far serves me thoughts on your question of heading west first vs. heading north: the weather should be good at this time of the year AND... predicting weather this virtually impossible.

    With that said, I would personally do west first (so clockwise). Why? Well, for starters you'll hit Arizona at the beginning of the ramp up to the warm season, vs. the beginning of the hot season. Although this could all change with a drop of a hat.

    You'd also allow for a bit more time for the snows to melt a bit before you tackle the Cascades and the Rockies. By late may/early june, the North Cascades Highway (WA20) in Washington, and the tour at the Gorge Dam Powerhouse is AMAZING (located at Newhalem, Washington). That, and the North Cascades National Park Complex will offer you some of the best views in Washington State. That is, if you are heading that far north.

    That's my recommendation. Hope you enjoy your trip!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Tucson, AZ

    Default Monsoons

    I'm going to agree with Brad on this. June in Arizona can be warm ("But it's a dry heat.") If you wait until August to come here, it will not only be hot but humid as well. July and August are our well known monsoon months, not for the uninitiated or faint of heart. Being from New Orleans, you are neither, but you might as well plan your trip to take advantage of the climate changes during it. And no, you've not taken too big a bite. With 8 weeks, you can accomplish quite a lot at a relaxed and enjoyable pace.


  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Arizona Brad
    Just to clarify, Vancouver, Washington or Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada?
    Vancouver, B.C.. That's where my wife is from. We will be celebrating our 2 year anniversary on the road (6/22). We actually met playing a game on the internet! I've met one of her brothers and his wife, but I've not met any of her other family members.

    Quote Originally Posted by AZBuck
    July and August are our well known monsoon months, not for the uninitiated or faint of heart. Being from New Orleans, you are neither, but you might as well plan your trip to take advantage of the climate changes during it.
    Yes, I am quite acclimated to heat and humidity, but that doesn't mean I enjoy it! The advice you give is much appreciated and will more than likely change our original plans. I was concerned with the availability of accomodations, both camping and hotel, if we go west first and save Yellowstone for later. I have heard that Yellowstone can be quite crowded during the mid-late summer. There's no way to make reservations for anything (YIPPEE!), so we'll just have to hope for vacancies along the way, and we will have our tent and air mattress, so that will help.

    Quote Originally Posted by AZBuck
    And no, you've not taken too big a bite. With 8 weeks, you can accomplish quite a lot at a relaxed and enjoyable pace.
    Thank you! It's good to hear that from someone so knowledgeable about road trips. It's the first time either of us set out on such an adventure, so there are more doubts and second guessing than anything at this stage.

    Quote Originally Posted by Arizona Brad
    the Gorge Dam Powerhouse is AMAZING (located at Newhalem, Washington). That, and the North Cascades National Park Complex will offer you some of the best views in Washington State.
    Thanks so much for the insight and suggestions. This truly is a fantastic forum for the "less informed" who are venturing out on their fledgling road trips. I'm sure I'll have a ton of questions between now and our departure...
    Thanks for everything.


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