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  1. Default baton rouge to new jersey

    i'm leaving in about 3 weeks to go to jersey!! i have a 98 taurus with 104,000 miles on it and its about a 21 hour/1300 mile trip. i was planning on leaving baton rouge anywhere between 10 am and 2pm and driving non-stop to jersey. i will have 2 other people with me and we will be driving in shifts. the main thing on my mind today was rest for my car. we will be stopping periodically for food, gas, stretching, and sightseeing, but not sleeping. i was wondering if i need to stop at some point and let my car completely cool down during the 21 hour drive.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default I am a veteran of such runs

    Quote Originally Posted by kingmotor
    i'm leaving in about 3 weeks to go to jersey!! i have a 98 taurus with 104,000 miles on it and its about a 21 hour/1300 mile trip. i was planning on leaving baton rouge anywhere between 10 am and 2pm and driving non-stop to jersey. i will have 2 other people with me and we will be driving in shifts. the main thing on my mind today was rest for my car. we will be stopping periodically for food, gas, stretching, and sightseeing, but not sleeping. i was wondering if i need to stop at some point and let my car completely cool down during the 21 hour drive.
    Nah, your car does a much better job of heat regulation if it is running the whole time (assuming, of course, that the engine and cooling system is working correctly). Make sure you practice our tips in this speed run report and MAKE SURE THE "OFF DRIVERS" sleep on their off time. We never recommend such driving behavior -- but I have done it several times and I still have a couple of brain cells left to show for it.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Green County, Wisconsin

    Default Speed Run

    Welcome to the RTA Forum!

    It looks like you've got quite the drive in front of you.

    Just so you know, a 1300 mile trip will most likely take you closer to 24-25 hours when you factor in gas stops and stretching. It will be even more if you plan to stop for any sightseeing.

    That said, as long as your car is in good running order, you shouldn't have to worry about stopping for that. Make sure your car's maintenance is up to date and it should be able to run much longer than you'll be able to drive.

    I'd recommend checking out the Art of the Speed Run for some more tips on how to best handle this kind of trip.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Keithville, LA

    Default Sounds like a cool trip

    I worked my way up to New Hampshire and drove back home to Shreveport last summer. However, I took several days since my "driving" partner was banned from ever touching my car again after she knocked my driver's side mirror off on a construction barrel in the middle of Ohio.

    I also have a Taurus (had a 98 and then upgraded to an 03) and have never had trouble keeping it running for long periods of time. Now, I've never gone 21hours, but I have gone 14-15 hours in one day (before the ban of said "driving" partner).


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