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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Teenage Spring Break Road Trip

    One of my columns was published on earlier today and I would like to discuss if I "got it right".


    Last edited by Mark Sedenquist; 12-31-2023 at 02:10 PM. Reason: MSNBC articles are no longer available

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Washington state coast/Olympic Peninsula

    Default Great article!

    I especially liked the idea of leaving a note in your glovebox. I think this is great advice for all of us and I will try to remember to start going that in the future. I think I would add something to that. It made me realize that it's probably a good idea to leave in the car, either in the glovebox or maybe wherever you keep your insurance and registration information, a list of contact names/numbers. If you should disappear and not return to your car, a cellphone for them to call you help but what if you don't answer? It would make sense to have contact info for family/friends for law enforcement to call as well. (I'll be typing some of these cards up for my family to put in their cars.)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Progression Plan

    Quote Originally Posted by Judy
    I especially liked the idea of leaving a note in your glovebox. I think this is great advice for all of us and I will try to remember to start going that in the future.
    Thanks. Since the Progression Plan, described in the article, was inspired in part by this post of yours, I appreciate this feedback.
    a list of contact names/numbers. If you should disappear and not return to your car, a cellphone for them to call you help but what if you don't answer? It would make sense to have contact info for family/friends for law enforcement to call as well.
    That is another good idea.


  4. #4
    RoadTripper Brad Guest

    Default Kudos

    Good article, Mark. It will definately help a lot of parents! I know when, just two to three years ago when I myself was a Teen Road Tripper... ah, the memories.

    And, I must say, muchas gracias for the mention of my, er, the company of which My company is a affiliate of... he he he. But in all seriousness, a lot of people don't think about ANY Roadside Assistance Program (RAP) before they send the next generation of travelers out on to the blacktop! And the tire change thing was a good one too... so many people don't know how to do that.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Even I could use practice with chains!

    Quote Originally Posted by Arizona Brad
    And the tire change thing was a good one too... so many people don't know how to do that.
    Thanks Brad, I specifically carry chains 365 days a year so I DON'T have to put them on... It has been a while since I actually did for it for real.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Québec, Montreal, Arizona, California, France

    Default My 2 cents

    Great article Mark!

    I'm kind of skeptic that a bunch of teenager will understand the importance of leaving a note in the glovebox or will actually use that method but I really think it is a neat idea. I already have index cards in my car with the names of my relatives and some friends in case of emergency but, as a frequent solo traveller, but the idea of leaving a note with my plans for the day is very innovative! I'll sure bear that in mind of my next roadtrip.

    Your article reminded me of one of one of my own experience as a teenager. At 16, my parents went on a 2 weeks fishing trip in the Laurentians while I stayed home. Actually, I had no intention of staying home, I asked my parents if they could sign a letter authorizing me to accross the border and camp in Vermont (I lived about 20 minutes from the border so no big deal). The letter was just an excuse to help me get where I really wanted to go, on the coast of NH with a couple of girl friends to hang out on the beach and have fun. Luckily we didn't experience any trouble, we acted responsibly and had a fun weekend. NOT RECOMMENDED!!!

    As soon as my parents came home, I told them all about it. They were angry at me at first (duh), I got reprimanded but their feelings were somehow mixed with astonishment that I managed to organize such a trip by myself -- remember, my Native language is French. I told them that if I would've asked they never would have let me go but I was aware that my behaviour has been kind of reckless and could have lead to some serious consequences if anyhting bad would have happened to any of us on this trip.

    After that experience, I always asked my parents first when I wanted to go somewhere and they rarely got in the way. They just made sure it was a safe trip and we all established some rules so they'd knew I'd act responsibly and our everyday location and plans. I still call my Mom every 1-2 days when I'm on a solo road trip to tell her where I am and my plans for the next day. Safety measures. By the way, even though I'm not a teenager anymore, my parents still panick each time I talk about going on a solo road trip, even though I never had a bad experience on the road nor did I have any accident in 9 years. So it is not strictly an age thing. They're getting used to it more and more over the years though. :-)


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