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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Portland soon to be in St Louis area

    Default crossing mountains NW to MidW

    I'd like some advice as to the best routes over the mountains. I'm planning a move from Portland OR to St Louis MO. I will be traveling in apx two weeks. Traveling very light in my chrysler Concord. Time is not a factor but safety is. I've heard that there can be some nasty snow storms and ice crossing the rockies. Will I miss the worst of the winter weather? What routes have others taken to cross the country? I'd appreciate any advice or recommendations. Thank you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Spring Storms

    Quote Originally Posted by riverbank
    I've heard that there can be some nasty snow storms and ice crossing the rockies. Will I miss the worst of the winter weather? What routes have others taken to cross the country?
    Welcome to the Great American RoadTrip Forum! Well, this has been an extremely odd year for storms -- I would suggest that there is a good chance for ice and snow in the next two weeks along your route. But, it doesn't really have to be that big a problem. Your best route will squirt most of the challenging ice areas -- I-84 to I-15 to I-80 to I-29 to I-70 and into St. Louis. Keep abreast of the road conditions, print out a list of the road condition telephone reports and drive carefully and slowly. The road condition hotlines can be obtained here and alternative weather reports that we like are listed here. For your purposes, this link is superb.

    Once you reach St. Louis -- be sure to sample the world's second best margarita here and say hello to Tuck for us!


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