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  1. Default Colorado to Florida - route suggestions please

    We are middle aged New Zealanders planning a 2 month road trip for May/June.
    The first few weeks will be spent seeing sights in the Western states. It is the second half of the trip I need help with. This is from somewhere around Colorado Springs to Florida (Boca Raton). Any suggestions of routes to take and must-sees along the way will be gratefully received.
    We like scenery and history. Not so keen on big cities or busy roads. No hurry either, we could take a couple of weeks for this bit.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Québec, Montreal, Arizona, California, France

    Default Can I go too?

    Road Greetings Sally,

    Welcome to the RTA Forum!

    Any suggestions of routes to take and must-sees along the way will be gratefully received.
    Here's a link to a similar thread that gives many suggestions of attractions between the south western States and Florida.

    No hurry either, we could take a couple of weeks for this bit.
    That's great, no rush, no worries...I wish I could come along!:-)

    Happy planning!


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Tucson, AZ

    Default Other Options

    The thread that Gen pointed you to describes what is certainly a scenic and entertaining route, but you do have a couple of other choices that you might want to consider. I know you said that you're not pressed for time, but for comparison, the fastest route is I-70 east to St. Louis, I-24 southeast to Atlanta, and I-75 into Florida. That is one possibility, although it does take you through a few of our larger cities.

    Another more direct way to go, over mostly 2-lane roads, goes generally like this {with some of the sights along the way}: Stay on US-50 a while longer from central Colorado to Dodge City, Kansas {Sandsage Bison Range}. Take US-400, US-183, US-170 and US-77 to Arkansas City, Kansas {Cherokee Strip Land Rush Museum}, and Ponca City, Oklahoma {Pioneer Woman Museum}. Then follow US-64 (freeway) and the Muskogee Turnpike (toll) through Tulsa down to Fort Smith, Arkansas, and then US-71 and US-270 to Hot Springs. From there continue on US-270 and then US-65 to Vicksburg, Mississippi {the town and the battlefield}. Cross Mississippi on I-20 and once in Alabama switch to US-80 to Selma {Old Cahawba, Sturtevant Hall, and the National Voting Rights Museum}, and beyond. In Montgomery, pick up I-85 north into Georgia but take the first exit in GA onto GA-18 and GA-190 into Warm Springs {FDR's Little White House}. Wander down US-19 through southwestern Georgia {Andersonville} and Florida {Weeki Wachee Springs}. Finally cross Florida on US-98 {Lake Okeechobee} into the Boca Raton area.

    There are, obviously a ton of possibilities and choices. Enjoy whichever route you pick!

    Last edited by AZBuck; 02-23-2006 at 06:16 PM. Reason: Correct highway number

  4. Default

    Thanks guys, that was quick and just the sort of info I need. I'll get the map out and try to picture the options. Without this sort of inside info we would probably have missed some real treats.
    If anyone needs similar help for a trip in New Zealand just let me know!

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