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  1. Default but where do i start?

    I've been inspired, by a movie of all things (elizabethtown). I know it was destiny and I know what I want.....

    My sister, best friend, barer of all my secrets, and closest confidant is moving from our hometown of Las Vegas (yes your destination is our starting point) to a cold, dreary place...Gaylord MI?!?!?! Well it's actually a very nice place but I will forever hold a grudge against it.

    It is very hard to fathom such a great distance. And as much as I know we won't let each other drift, I also know things won't be the same. (We are so incredibly close we have matching tattoos to symbolize the song we've dedicated to each other, LeeAnn Womack's "I Hope You Dance") They (she and her fiance, also whom I hold a grudge against, and my beautiful neice) will be driving out ALL of their stuff probably sometime in June but it may end up being later than that.

    They already have to drive at least one vehicle, so it dawned on me....why not have one last BIG hurrah. Help her enter a new chapter, a new life really, by exploring the country, and ultimately each other. By not being a wallflower, and DANCING our way to Michigan. (This will also give me something to look forward to in her move)

    So here's the deal...where do I start? Do I start with roads, maps and directons? Then move onto sights on each road? Do I google each town along the way to find its high and low points?

    We are both grown woman, with husbands(fiance) and children. We're not looking for a party. Just time to grow closer before we move apart. To learn about and from each other. Something that we will remember and tell stories of when we are 70 yrs old. We want a general idea of when we will arrive and some great things to do along the way. But we're both open to changes. We just want to experience more life together. We're not looking for anything too extreme, but nothing boring either.

    I'm so excited that I found this websight, but now I'm sort of on censory overload..there's so much info, what's my starting point and how do I start it? Any advice, real-life tried and true plans is greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Washington state coast/Olympic Peninsula

    Default Beautiful!

    Greetings, organicsis, and welcome to the forums!

    Your eloquence in describing your relationship with your sister and your goals for this trip is quite touching. I hope we can help you achieve your goals.

    I think the best starting point is to sit down with your sister with a good map of the US and mark any parks, historic sites, cities, etc. between Vegas and Gaylord that you think you might want to visit. Then if your time and money allow, route yourself through those areas.

    Yes, there is a lot to planning a good roadtrip. IF, that is, you want it all mapped out before you leave. And, for some of us, the planning can be just as much fun as the trip itself. On the other hand, you can also just get in the car and go, stopping at any serendipitious place you come across that catches your fancy. I like to do a little of both.

    If you give us an idea of the types of things that will make this "dance" across the country memorable for you, I'm sure people will chime in with ideas.

  3. Default Change in plans

    Well, after some discussion and thought, we've made some changes. Instead of timing this with her move which could prove to be too stressful. We've decided to go in next month. April 1-9th. And instead of driving north, we're going to drive east, from Vegas thru Arizona, NM, and Texas with a destination of Nashville to visit our 92 yr old great granny and then take the midwest route back to Vegas.

    Is that enough time to make a long trip. We're also now debating renting a car to avoid wear and tear on ours, but also to get a convertable! Thelma and Louise style but with no fast drive off the Grand Canyon. (We may shoot up a big rug though!)

    We're getting together soon to map it all out. Any other advice? Anything to definetly hit or miss? Any budgeting secrets?

    Our only criteria is to find a giant weeping willow and dance between the branches like a couples hippies. Anyone know of a good one?!

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