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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Keithville, LA

    Default Indianapolis, Indiana

    I'm going to be in Indianapolis from June 16-20 for the US Grand Prix race. I know that I won't spend all of my time at the track, though. Does anyone have any suggestions for what to do? I've tried using Google, but Indianapolis doesn't appear to have a good tourism website (please correct me if I'm wrong).

    By the way, I'm heading north-east from there to Niagara Falls (New York side), Maine, and New Hampshire, so if anyone has any cool suggestions for those destinations I would appreciate it.



  2. Default Brown County

    One option is to spend a day cruising around Brown County. See world famous towns like Nashville, Bean Blossom, and Gnaw Bone (Gnaw Bone University is my Alma Mater). In the summer season, you'll be able to find Bluegrass music shows in the area. The area is forested, hilly terrain with farms and creeks, decidely rustic and there are lots of crafts and "country" things to see and do. It's a beautiful area. Be sure to see Brown County State Park.

    To get there, drive south from Indianapolis on SR135 or SR37, to Nashville, IN. Bob

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Do you like Pizza?

    I'm going to be in Indianapolis from June 16-20 for the US Grand Prix race. I know that I won't spend all of my time at the track, though. Does anyone have any suggestions for what to do?
    We like the yummy pizza at Sinclairs in nearby Nobelsville.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Tucson, AZ

    Default Maine and NH

    As a former resident of both states I'd be happy to make some suggestions for your visit. Where in particular are you headed? Mountains?, seacoast?, lakes? You're going to have to narrow it down a bit! I'll be in the White Mountains myself over the 4th of July for a little small town parade and family gathering.


  5. #5


    Hey, I grew up in Indianapolis, and now live in Fishers (a suburb just northeast of Indianapolis). I'd offer to meet up with you sometime when you're here, except I'll be on vacation when you're here!

    If you have kids--or even if you're just kids at heart--our Children's Museum is excellent, the largest Children's Museum in the world.

    White River State Park has several worthwhile attractions, including the Indianapolis Zoo, the Indiana State Museum, the Eiteljorg Museum of American Indians and Western Art, and the NCAA Hall of Champions.

    If these don't sound like your thing, let me know what kind of thing you are interested in, and I can probably make some suggestions. I hope you enjoy your visit to our city!
    Last edited by Chuck C; 05-13-2005 at 06:09 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default River Promenade?


    I really like Indianapolis and hoped that someone local would "post-in" on this topic. The next time you have a moment or two, would you mind taking a couple of photographs of the River Promenade in White State Park and sending them to me?

    Another bit of roadtrip intel that I would love to know -- is the latest on the Hook's American Drugstore Museum . I haven't heard from Jim Rogers, the founder in a long time -- do you know any news?

    Have you ever attended a Formula Lightning event at the raceway? If you ever get the chance -- it is very cool and we would love to get a current field report...



  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Editor
    I really like Indianapolis and hoped that someone local would "post-in" on this topic. The next time you have a moment or two, would you mind taking a couple of photographs of the River Promenade in White State Park and sending them to me?
    Sure, although I don't know when I'll have a chance to get down there next, so it may be a while.

    Quote Originally Posted by Editor
    Another bit of roadtrip intel that I would love to know -- is the latest on the Hook's American Drugstore Museum . I haven't heard from Jim Rogers, the founder in a long time -- do you know any news?
    I haven't heard anything about that. It was a shame when the one on the state fairgrounds closed. A bit of Googling turned up this website, but it's strangely silent about any actual physical museum.

    According to your article, the new museum was supposed to have been downtown on south Meridian St. Coincidentally, I spent quite a bit of time walking around south Meridian St. a few weekends ago--I wasn't specifically looking for the drugstore museum, but I don't recall seeing anything of that sort. :(

    Quote Originally Posted by Editor
    Have you ever attended a Formula Lightning event at the raceway? If you ever get the chance -- it is very cool and we would love to get a current field report...
    Nope, I've never even been to Indianapolis Raceway Park. (For those not familiar with Indianapolis, I should explain: Indianapolis Motor Speedway is the big track, where only a few races take place each year, among them the Indianapolis 500, the Brickyard 400, and the U.S. Grand Prix. Indianapolis Raceway Park is a smaller track, which has lesser-known races much more frequently throughout the year.)

    Oh, and in addition to the recommendations I made in my first reply in this thread, I should have mentioned the Conner Prairie living history museum. Don't know how I forgot that!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Keithville, LA

    Default Thanks Everyone!

    Thanks for all of the suggestions! Sorry I didn't have a chance to respond quicker. I will definitely have to check have to check out the Pizza place and the museums. The Conner Prairie looks very interesting.

    The trip is starting to take shape (at least the first few days are). We're going to leave Shreveport on Tuesday afternoon and try to make it to Little Rock or Memphis before stopping. I usually leave early in the morning, but I refuse to do the drive from Shreveport to Texarkana in the dark. On Wednesday we're going to go to Mammoth Cave National Park on the way to Indianapolis. Thursday through Sunday will be the race and exploring Indianapolis.

    After that it's still fuzzy. I was doing some research and so far I only know of three things that are definite.

    1) Niagra Falls (New York Side)
    2) Acadia National Park in Maine
    3) A visit to the Mecca of all Knitting Stores - Patternworks in Center
    Harbor, New Hampshire

    Other than this it's an open book for the next week. We would like to see lighthouses and a covered bridge while in Maine and have a desire to get our pictures taken in front of a sign for Bangor (Dark Shadows Fans). Also I would like to see the White Mountains again.

    I guess I should mention that the only person crazy enough to do this trip with me is my sister.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Québec, Montreal, Arizona, California, France

    Default Lighthouse, covered bridges and more

    We would like to see lighthouses and a covered bridge while in Maine and have a desire to get our pictures taken in front of a sign for Bangor (Dark Shadows Fans). Also I would like to see the White Mountains again.
    The nicest lighthouse I saw in southern ME was at Cape Neddick. While you're there drive route 9 on the seacoast and see the Cape Porpoise lighthouse. Have lunch at Wormwood's in Camp Ellis (shrimp scampi +++). I don't know if you plan on camping or staying in motels (??) if you're in the Saco/Old Orchard area, try the Bay View Villa for very unexpensive rooms on the waterfront and in the White Mountains region, go to Country Bumpkins Campground (19$). If you go through VT, you'll find lots of covered bridges near the Canadian border (ex. : on highway 118 between Richford and Newport) and nice places to swim. For a cool off the beaten path swimming spot (only locals know about it, shhh:o), park at the Fire Station in Montgomery (about 500 feet off route 118). You will see a walking path on the side of the building. Walk for about 500 feet and you will see the river and the waterfalls.

    Have a great trip!


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default A new one for us

    Quote Originally Posted by lhuff
    ...A visit to the Mecca of all Knitting Stores - Patternworks in Center Harbor, New Hampshire...
    This is the first time I have heard of this place. The photos and descriptions do make it sound like an amazing store. -- We will want a field report...


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