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Thread: Going to Duke

  1. #1
    DiverDown Guest

    Default Going to Duke

    Hey there everyone. First just want to thank the administrators for the great site they established. Second, I would welcome any advice about a long solo road trip from Seward, Alaska to Durham, North Caroline in late July. I was planning on taking my time (about two weeks) and seeing some of the great sights along the way. If anyone has any thoughts or ideas, I would appreciate them.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default "taking my time"

    Quote Originally Posted by DiverDown
    I would welcome any advice about a long solo road trip from Seward, Alaska to Durham, North Caroline in late July. I was planning on taking my time (about two weeks) and seeing some of the great sights along the way. If anyone has any thoughts or ideas, I would appreciate them.
    Seward to Durham in two weeks... By the shortest possible way that is over 4500 miles. If you drive flat-out with no scenic side trips it will take you over 10 days to cover that distance. Are you sure you can only take two weeks?


  3. #3
    DiverDown Guest

    Default Eastbound

    Yeah, I know this doesnt give me much time to enjoy the scenery. I have to work this summer for as long as possible, then check into housing on the 8th of August. That only leaves a few days of R&R along the way. I was planning on taking the Tok/Whitehorse/Calgary route to Great Falls, Montana. From there, to the Custer battlefield for a very short break, stay at Devil's Tower KOA, then to Mt Rushmore/Windcave NP and stay somewhere in Nebraska. I havent planned anything from there until I get to Memphis (HAVE to see Graceland!), camp in the area, then to Asheville, NC for one night and into Durham. Sounds easy, right? God, I hope the Volkswagen Fox makes it all the way. The main reason I am doing this is I have to have a car for clinical rotations this coming year and cant really afford to buy. Thanks for your advice

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default RoadTrip Challenges

    First, thanks for thanks to the administrators...

    This sounds like a solo trip?

    First things -- even though you won't have a lot of time to sightsee, certainly pick up a copy of this year's Milepost 2005 -- your planned route is probably the best one for speed while still seeing plenty.

    Windcave NP is quite a ways from Mt. Rushmore. If the wind is not too crazy, I would suggest an overnight at Badlands NP. Be sure to tune your AM radio to the local Navajo radio channels in the area -- quite amazing to listen to.

    Kearney is a nice college town, with good music and friendly folks for your over-night. Jump on I-80 and make tracks to I-29 to Kansas City and beeline again on I-70 to St. Louis. Take the two hours and go up in the arch. Believe me, it is much more impressive in person than any photograph you have ever seen.

    There is a bunch more to Memphis than Graceland -- but... if you have to, then I guess you have to. Take time, if you can, to drive throught the Great Smokey Mtns NP enroute to Asheville.

    Durham is a beautiful spot to be living for a spell. Thousands of close-by roadtrips in that area.

    Try and stop every 2-3 hours, do some stretches, get in the habit of taking 1-2 hour cat naps and you will be fine.

    Sounds like quite an adventure!

  5. #5
    DiverDown Guest

    Default Lotsa fun

    I think the best quote for traveling has to be "The only difference between and ordeal and adventure, is attitude". That being said, I am going to approach this very long trip with a healthy dose of optimism and fun. Thank you for the tips so far, those are the kind of things you have to be very lucky to stumble across!
    One of my concerns lies with my bicycle that is going to be straped to th back of my volkswagen on a rack. It is one of those cheapo (but functional) racks, but has served me well for five years. The bike, on the other hand, is my baby. I bought her two years ago and unfortunately it gets a lot of attention (silver cruiser, grey leather seat and white walls) I have saved the bike from theft on at least one occasion. I am going to rig something of a locking cable between bike, bumper hooks and rack, that should eliminate most problems, but am concerned with urban parking areas for long periods of time. Are there any ideas or opinions about this topic?
    What about areas along this route to stay away from. Everyone in this world is given gifts that are beyond the average. One of my gifts is the uncanny ability to find the very worst neighborhood at every opportunity. While traveling (and misdirected), I have seen burning cars in S.E. DC, drug related shootings in Watts, LA and witnessed a convienance store robery in Atlanta, so I think my observations might have merit. Thankfully, my time serving with the marines was a real asset in a few cases.
    Again, thanks for any advice. CT

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Not on your journey!

    With the distance you have to cover, I don't think you are going to present many opportunities for someone to steal your bike. That said, the longest periods are likely to be when you are shopping for food at grocery stores enroute. I don't have a particular suggestion -- but I am sure some my compadres will jump in here soon.

  7. #7
    BoredTXGirl Guest


    It can sometimes be a pain, but bike theft is usually not going to happen if you've removed the front wheel from the rest of it - thieves aren't as likely to steal a bike they can't then jump on and take off. I don't know what kind of space you have inside the car, but keeping the wheel inside could help deter theives.

    The down side, of course, it that you have to reattach it when you want to ride...

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