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  1. #1
    Big Daddy Guest

    Default Best Chevy Chase style roadtrip ever............

    We made it. 8 days, 3660 miles and the best false start ever to commemorate our very own "Vacation" Chevy Chase style....
    We picked up the rental car friday night, and drove it home to pack. After loading our "loaner Grand Am" we bedded down early in anticipation of a glorious 464 mile drive from Seattle to Missoula Montana...our first stop. Waking at 5am, smiles on our faces, we bade goodbye to our two worried looking cats, and headed out the door. My wife cozied into the passenger seat...arranged her lotion, cameras,"VooDoo Vic, the travelling doll, and various other trinkets, and with satisfied look in her eyes, motioned her readiness to go. I (being the geek of the family) took one walk around the car to inspect as if a pilot preflighting for a transcontinental flight in an experimental aircraft....the tire, right rear, was as flat as it could possibly be. I stood there looking at it, as if my disapointment would somehow fill the tire miraculously. Even my hardest sigh didnt inflate it so much as one psi.
    Wife out of the car, into the house to further confuse the cats who know when a trip is much too short. A quick call to the "texas landmark" rental agency yields the following information: "Sir, we can send someone to put the spare on for you, it will be two hours...or you can repair the tire, and save your receipts. Or, sir, just bring the car back and exchange it." Luckily, I had some fix a flat in the garage and figured that would get me to a gas station where I would have the tire fixed.
    Jamming the fix a flat into the dead tire gave just enough pressure to go the 1/4 mile to the 50 cent air machine at the local 7-11. Filled her right up, and she held! In spite of the now visible roofing nail that was in the tire, we headed for the garage. "Wait a minute" it was 5:30 am. No self respecting garage would be open yet, so I decided to trust in the "fix-a-flat goddess", and make haste to the start of our trip. Surely, it would hold until Missoula....I restarted the engine and got on 405 headed for 90 to Missoula. Another heart stopper. "Bing bing light on, bing bing bing...your oil is low said the horrible message. I almost jumped out of my skin...making the decision right then and there to return the car immediately to Alamo Car rental at SeaTac Airport where we would exchange this little lemon for a better suited car.....My wife nodded in absolute approval, so off to SeaTac we go. Ahh, no problem I thought...a quick exchange at the airport, and we would lose an hour tops off of this glorious trip we had planned. No problemo! "POW...HISSSSSSSSSSSS" Less than three miles into our revised itenerary....the fix-a-flat Goddess changed her more air for you! The tire returned to its lifeless state at 70 miles per hour, forcing us to a grinding halt at the 124th street offramp in Kirkland...."&%$$##" was my only reaction as we coasted on the rim into the AM PM Minimart parking lot....yes, this is going to be a good trip....
    I will post more from our fun trip in a bit. I hope you will all enjoy reading about it and seeing the pics on the website soon.We saw a lot in a little amount of time. Yellowstone, Mt Rushmore, Crazy Horse, Devils Tower, Wall Drug, Badlands...and the list goes on. (Note to Moderators Mark and Bob...I did look up Mr. McKinnon in Wallace Idaho....I dont think he is around anymore, but it appears there is a Harvey and Mrs McKinnon who have taken over his house, and made it much less than a work of art....I was sad.)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Québec, Montreal, Arizona, California, France

    Default The joy of car rental

    What an adventure!:-)) We once had to rent a Budget mini-van for a 32 hours trip and it was the worse experience I ever had : brake problems, garage, air in brakes, garage, low oil... I was also stuck with my two teenage cousins, one of them was hyperactive and jumping in the car...just great. But surprisingly enough we ended up having a great trip (when we weren't on the road):-)) Hope you're gonna tell us more about your trip in the next days!:-)


  3. #3
    Big Daddy Guest


    all in all, it was nice to use soemone elses car for this trip. When we did return the car, the guy at the counter told us we could take any car we wanted. Any upgrade was on them. We ended up staying with the grand Am, because of gas mileage. (although that was my wifes idea...I wanted a convertable cadillac....she wanted less gas bills...she won)

    You bet I will tell you more. We saw so many cool things...and had so much fun!

  4. Default Best Thing

    One of the best things about a good road trip -- it is unpredicatable what will happen and what kind of an adventure you can make of it (I remember this one time at Shiprock...)!

    I'm also looking forward to hearing more about your trip. Bob

  5. #5
    Big Daddy Guest

    Default I am writing the travelblog now

    Its going to take a bit, but I have the funnest travelblog on this trip. I'll let everyone know when its posted with the pictures.....loved your London sojourn by the way!

  6. #6
    Big Daddy Guest

    Default Some of the Photos Are Up

    Howdy all! I have posted only about 125 photos from this road trip so far. Use the link below. As soon as the really cool photos are developed, we will add them along with the whole crazy story from this trip! ALSO, YOU NOW GET TO MEET VOODOO VIC, OUR TRAVELING DOLL!

  7. #7
    Big Daddy Guest

    Default Many of the Photos Are Up on the Website

    Okay, about 100 or so of the photos of the road trip are up on the site, along with most of the descriptions...feel free to peer into Big Daddys Yellowstone trip, meet the wife, and of course........VooDoo Vic!

    Cut and paste this, and enjoy.....the whole story, plus photos of all of the "ugliest souvineers" from all of the tourist hot spots is coming soon!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Québec, Montreal, Arizona, California, France

    Default Where is Big Daddy?

    Hey Big Daddy,
    I surfed through a couple of pages of your pictures, your story about the motel room splattered with blood made me laugh:-) You sure have great pictures, but...where are you??? We don't want to see your doll, we want to see you!!:o) Just kidding!

    Have a great day!

  9. #9
    Big Daddy Guest

    Default More shots coming

    I have some shots of me coming this weekend. they are the photos my wife shot! Then all will be revealed.weeeeeeeee.

  10. #10
    Sarah Stall Guest

    Default Awesome!

    I just checked out your pictures and comments... you went to some of the same places I'll be hitting at the beginning of September. Mt. Rushmore, West Yellowstone, Devil's Tower, Crazy Horse Memorial, Deadeawood, etc. Plus, my destination is Seattle for 5 days. I'm anxious to hear more about your trip - and any must-sees you have for the Seattle area.

    Thanks for sharing!

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