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  1. #1
    Krista Guest

    Default 4-month solo road trip

    Hi- i'm fortunate enough to get the chance to take a cross-country road trip this summer. i leave in june, and can hardly stand the excitement. luckily, i have two jobs that keep me busy and my mind occupied- otherwise i think i probably would have already left;) anyway, i have gotten so much from this website and this forum-thanks to everyone who has helped and for all the good information(a special thanks to Bob, Mark, and Judy). i have a website that details my trip, and would love to share it. i have read alot of online travelouges by fellow road trippers and have gotten lots of information and inspiration, and wanted to do the same with my trip. i plan to update my online journal every few days once i leave, and would love it if you would follow along with me. i have already posted a few entries; background stuff(click 'about' on the menu bar), some ramblings and usefull-to-me info, and one that lists out my approximate route and stops(click the entry 'so, where are you going anyway?'). there are also some wonderful, helpful websites on my links page(including this site-i love you guys!) for anyone planning their own trip. feel free to read and post comments/suggestions on my message board as well. thanks again to the "road trip community" i have been fortunate enough to discover. i can't wait to become a previous road tripper and an "unofficial" member.

    happy trails...........

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Every day is a roadtrip


    Thanks for posting your URL, I checked it out and will remember to stop in as your journey evolves. Couple of random thoughts -- it will be tough to have a close encounter with Devil's Tower in Wyoming unless you drop in from the sky. It is a sacred mountain to the local peoples and access is virtually non-existent. It truly is impossible to totally "run out of money" you can get close, but you will always find some more.

    Go have an adventure and.... write and share what you find!

  3. #3
    Krista Guest

    Default Thanks so much

    again, thanks for the wonderful tip- this forum always has the insider info you didn't know you needed. i appreciate all the encouragement........

    have a great day!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Washington state coast/Olympic Peninsula


    Cool website! I'll have to check it out and follow your trip. I always admire people who share their experiences on the road with those of us stuck at home.

    When you get to Washington state, feel free to look me up. If you want, email me at and we can have a private discussion. Maybe I can meet up with you when you come this way? I'm only about 45 minutes south of Olympic National Park and you're very likely to drive through my town on your way there.

  5. #5
    imported_David Guest

    Default Have a safe and fun trip

    Hi Maizy, I just completed a long dreamed of trip across the country and back. I found this website and this forum to be helpful and believe you will also.

    Love your website. I'll be checking it throughout the summer and riding along with you (in spirit).

    I enjoyed your list of music to keep you focused and can't help but want to add a few more that kept me going on my journey.

    Hollywood Nights by Bob Seger (I see you're a Seger fan also. In the liner notes for this song, one of the musicians said that he played a rough mix of this one night when they were first working on it, as he was driving home, and when he looked down, he was driving 100 mph!)

    What About Now by Lone Star

    Red Dirt Road by Brooks and Dunn

    Any Jimmy Buffett album

    Have a fun and safe trip. Keep us posted. David

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