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  1. #1
    George Zunneberg Guest

    Default Roadtrip Chicago, Boston, New York, Washington D.C

    Hey everybody!

    I'm new on the site and I hope to find a lot of tips and information! Last year August 2003 I made for the first time a road trip. L.A, Las Vegas, San Francisco with the national parks like the Grand Canyon. This year I wane make a road trip with the next following cities;

    I have to start in Chicago.
    then I wane go to Detroit, Niagara Falls, Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Washington D.C, Shenandoah Valley and at someway back to Chicago. I was thinking to drive from Washington D.C. to Cincinnati and Indianapolis to Chicago.

    Is there anybody who made a road trip like this? Or does have anybody some advice how to plan a trip like this? I think that I choose too many cities for two weeks. Can anybody help me?

    Regards George

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default It is possible, but...


    It is entirely possible to visit each of those cities in a two week period. But... you are going to spend most of your nights driving (if you want to sight-see in the cities you have identified during the day). I have been to all of those places on various roadtrips. Couple of questions: how many miles per day do you enjoy to drive? Will you have a co-driver or will this be solo effort? Are you looking for hot nightspots, golf courses, historical sites, shopping or ?? in each locality?

  3. #3
    imported_George Guest

    Default Want to see as much as possible.

    I'm the only one who can drive. Last time we traveled about 217 miles/350km each day. Also once 447 miles/720 km but my opinion was that it is a bit to much. We were going from small town to small town and we had almost no time to see something about them.

    The goal of our vacation is to see as much as possible and we want to make a lot of photo's and video tapes. We are not hot nightspot visitors like a disco, but it doesn't mean we only stay in our hotel. There are spots like Las Vegas you have to see at night! We just want to see things like the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco and the Hollywood sign in L.A.

    We really hope to receive soon more useful information from you.

  4. #4

    Default Megalopolis trip

    With the alotted time and driving tolerance, you might have to drop some of these areas, as it seems quite ambitious given those circumstances. You won't be able to really get to see much in any of the places. They don't call it the Megalopolis for nothing!

    I find once I am in a place, it's like I've opened one of those Russian dolls that gets smaller and smaller: I keep finding more and more inside the place that intrigues me. And that's part of the allure of the road trip.

    Well, you could split this up by favorite American war: Revolutionary or Civil.

    As I've said on this board many times before, Boston is best traversed by using the 'T' (public transportation), and the same goes for DCs Metro. It's far easier to walk around an old city like Boston than to attempt to drive it's narrow streets. With the Big Dig nearing completion, even the locals are confused.

    Wandering around NYC, you could take the whole two weeks and not scratch the surface. The sheer force of Niagra Falls is very seductive, even if you don't feel like strapping on a barrel.

    Haven't really explored Philly, Chicago, Indy, never been to Detroit or Cincinnati.

    Shenandoah Valley and the Blue Ridge Mts. are just phenomenally beautiful and should be experienced by everyone. I've been there camping five times in the last 8 years, and I never get tired of it. Skyline Drive and the Blue Ridge Parkway are relaxing, meandering drives through the mountains, with many opportunities to pull off and enjoy the view. There is no commercial traffic, though there occasionally is an RV or two, but since the pace is relaxed, so it's not an issue.

    Are you from in or near Chicago, so you'll be prepared for the East Coast Driving Mental(ity)? I find we are a bit more aggressive up here, though I can't say I've compared that to every locale in the country (most, but not all).

  5. #5
    George Zunneberg Guest

    Default Roadtrip Chicago, Boston, New York, Washington D.C

    Thanks for the information you send me. I already talked with so many people that it is getting clearer. I chanced my plans. What we wane do is;
    -Boston 2 night's,
    -Cape Code 1 night,
    -New York 2 or 3 night's,
    -Philadelphia 2 night's,
    -Washington 1 night,
    -Colonial Williamsburg 1 night,
    -Richmond 1 night,
    -Charlottesville 1 night,
    -Gettyburg 1 night,
    -Niagara Falls 1 night,
    -Corning 1 night (or some place ells to sleep between the Niagara Falls and Boston),
    -Boston 1 night.

    Maybe does anyone have an Idea to stay while traveling from the Niagara Falls to Boston. And is there somebody who did a trip like this in the past? Is there some places to keep extra eye on it?


  6. Default the above itinerary looks like exactly what we want to do but we want to throw in

    Hershey PA
    and Bushkill Falls, PA
    Start out in Buffallo Ny and end in Boston any suggestions we have 3 weeks and will be drivin an RV. lol so i guess its not exactly but close

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Green County, Wisconsin


    Welcome to the RTA Forum, CVW67

    Since this thread is from 2004, and you've created another thread about your current trip, I'm going to close this and keep the responses to the new thread.

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