To create a simple route using the automatic route utility:
1. Enter the start address.
2. Enter the end address.
3. Click "Find route from addresses."
A blue line will appear on the map. The start point will be identified by a green marker. Fill in the name of the route in the popup info window and save. New: Close the description box (click the "X”), check the "Avoid Major Roads” checkbox, and then click the "Find Route from Addresses" button again. You will note that the blue route line has moved away from limited-access highways (such as Interstate Highways in the USA). Save it again with another route name and close the box to keep on editing or adding attractions. Likewise, you can choose to "avoid" toll highways and ferries if the route identified has those on it. There is no limit to the number of times you toggle these choices, if you uncheck the “Avoid Major Roads" checkbox and click "Find Route from Addresses" again, you will see the route returns to follow the limited-access highways. The avoidance checkboxes also work with the “Find Route From Coords” button, after specifying Coordinates for Start and End. In some circumstances, it is impossible to create a route that doesn't use a ferry, a toll road, or a "major road," to connect two locations. In those cases, the route will not honor one or more of the specified avoidance options.