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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Phoenix, Arizona


    Thanks, George. The last time I turned on my aging, very-well-traveled laptop (which does indeed have a webcam), I got the "blue screen of death" in lieu of my usual desktop icons. The cooling fan failed first, and the rest went down like dominoes; I reckon I'll be using my smartphone for the Zoom call. (Might as well--I use it for most everything else!)


  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Zoom Time?

    What I still need is a preference from our Australian and UK members on an appropriate time for this Zoom conference.

    Once I have this information I will send around the link and whomever is able to join us then -- will.


  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    South of England.

    Default First thoughts.

    I think Australia is 10 and 11 hours ahead of us in the UK and you are 8 hours behind ? That would mean starting at 2pm your local time would be 10pm for us and 8 or 9am for those 'Down under'. That's manageable for us if it works for everyone else ? (I thought starting sooner might be a bit too early for our Ozzie mates.)


  4. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, Australia



    What an awesome idea to celebrate this milestone. Just wishing we could have done it in person. Zoom is the next best way i guess. When Margaret and i were first planning the Roadtrip we did beginning of May 2010, we were very lucky to come across RTA. I remember being told to "cut those plans in half and then cut them in half again". We followed up again in 2013 and again in 2018. The help and infomation we received was outstanding. Had hoped to be back this year. We couldnt have seen what we have without all the great advice from RTA.
    The time for this important even dosnt worry me. We are in your future. :) 18 hours ahead. We will just fall out of bed if we have to. Going to be awesome. Throw another steak on the barbie Mark and Megan.


  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default How about these times?

    Dave and Keith et al,

    OK, that was helpful

    How about on the 14th of February:

    Noon PST

    1:00 pm MST

    2:00 pm CST

    8:00 pm UK

    7 am on 02-15 for Australia

    I will send Zoom invites
    ****If you would like to attend and you've not received an email invitation to join us -- please write to****
    Last edited by Mark Sedenquist; 02-03-2021 at 06:42 PM.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, Australia


    That will be fantastic. Thank you. Looking forward to it.


  7. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Western/Central Massachusetts

    Default Happy Anniversary!

    Wow! Time sure does fly! My profile says I joined up in March of 2005 - almost 16 years ago. I've received so much great advice from here over the years, and, hopefully, have provided some too. I know I have to finish up the eclipse trip notes from...oh wow, 4 years ago. Oops.

    Every time I've been on this site, I learn about some interesting place that I didn't know of previously. I'm looking forward to getting back out there again to explore those places.

    I was happy to read the message about this in my email and definitely look forward to joining the call.

  8. Default

    Mark, Thank you I got my invite. I'll try to make the zoom call but being on Valentine's Day....not making any promises!

    I've been officially around on these forums going on 16 years next month. I just love traveling and love sharing my experiences and knowledge. I use to be very active on a lot of travel boards but this one and Cruise Critics (and only when planning a cruise) are the only two I frequent now. This place is like home with names I've know for a while. I come and go and not post as much, but I keep returning! ;)

    A little background on me. I LOVE to travel! DH and I had just started new jobs before we got married in 1972 so we had to wait until 1973 before we could take our honeymoon trip to Disneyland, both sets of grandparents and the Grand Canyon! We found our passion of national parks on that trip and as they say....the rest is history. DH and I have driven to 49 of the 50 states and after 40 years we finally flew to Hawaii for 3 weeks. Yes, we've even driven to Alaska and back in 1996. We started in motels for three years but once the first child came around we started camping. Tents, vans, tent-trailer, travel trailer and are currently on our 3rd class A motorhome. Now that we are retired we usually (except for covid times) spend 3 months traveling. In 2010 we started cruising and found we love that too! Cruising has made it possible to go to Aruba, Columbia, Panama Canal, South Pacific islands, American Samoa where we made it into the America Samoa National Park, Australia, New Zealand, Bermuda, Azores, France, Brussels, Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, two days in St. Petersburg, Russia, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Scotland, & Ireland.



  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada


    Thanks very much and wishing you special holiday treats on Valentine's Day!


  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Happy 25 years to you and Sharon!


    Happy 25 years to you and Sharon!

    Nice to see you here!


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