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Thread: Moving PA to CA

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    South of England.

    Default A few ideas for quick stops.

    I would slightly disagree with glc about heading to Cedar City after Bryce, although it's personal choice. Now if you are camping lodging costs wouldn't be much of an issue and I would get on to booking the Watchman campground in Zion NP. I would actually head south on US89 after UT12 to Mt Carmel Junction and take UT 9 through the Mt Carmel tunnel. It's a fantastic drive into the park and the chance to stop to take in some rock formations at Checkerboard Mesa.

    Here is a list of stops west of Denver that spring to mind and don't take long to enjoy.

    I-70. Take US6 detour to Loveland Pass. Great views as you cross the Continental divide at around 12000ft.

    Colorado National Monument Rim drive between Grand Junction and Fruita CO. (Not so quick and likely to add 2 hours with stops but a great detour)

    Goblin Valley SP between I70 and Hanksville UT24. Great rock formations but again would add a couple of hours. (Cool Gas station in Hanksville called Hollow mountain. Store has been created by blasting a hole in the rock and it may be a good place to fill up)

    Capital Reef NP. The scenic road is great if you have time. If not, Gifford Homestead is a neat stop and you could stop at Panorama Point and Goosenecks overlook just to the west of Fruita UT.

    When you join UT12 about 20 mins south there is Larb Hollow overlook. Lovely views for a 5 min stop.

    Just beyond Tropic UT you will see parking for Mossy cave trail. The cave isn't much tbh but it offers a nice 15 min stroll in a quieter part of Bryce. When you leave Bryce you will eventually go under Red canyon Arch that spans the road, just after there is parking and you can cross the road and walk among the red rocks.

    As mentioned, Checkerboard Mesa if you take the Mt Carmel route to Zion.

    Death valley quick stops. Zabriske Point, Furnace Creek and the Sand Dunes.

    Tioga Pass (CA120) As you enter the road from 395 you will see Tioga gas Mart. If you take the turn and continue up the hill past the station you will come to a parking lot with expansive views of Mono Lake. You could stop and stroll at Tuolumne Meadows and also pull up by Tenaya Lake.

    These are just a small sample of options and you won't get time for all. You need to get a few more days !! lol
    Last edited by Southwest Dave; 02-24-2018 at 04:15 AM.

  2. #32


    Quote Originally Posted by glc View Post
    On the date I checked in August at random (8th), the tipis were sold out already. Available on the 15th.

    You need to plan your dates sooner rather than later.
    Yeah, unfortunately, my move date is not final yet. That is the problem.

    - - - Updated - - -


    Thanks for all the tips and suggestions! Yes, I would love to add more days as well. ;)

  3. #33


    I’ve noticed that you guys suggest no more than 500 miles a day. Just wondering the reasoning behind that. I’ve driven over 500 miles in one day with just me driving and my children in the day (more than once). I’ve driven to Florida from Maryland/Virginia with a second driver and children although we did stop for the night. 500 miles with 2 adults and no children seems on the low side but I’ve never driven that many days in a row or in that part of the country. Just want to understand and have a realistic view of what’s to come. I will say that my boyfriend barely fits in my car and that’s my main worry. He is 6’5” and my Honda Fit doesn’t give him a lot of leg room. He was just here visiting and used my car a lot. His ankles weren’t around his neck or anything but he doesn’t have a lot of room to move around while in either seat.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Joplin MO


    The reason I suggested Cedar City is this - with that schedule you would not be getting out of Bryce till noon or so. To get from there to Zion through the tunnel and see any of the park would be a very busy afternoon, and if you aren't going to camp you will be spending a lot of money to stay in Springdale. In the summer you can't drive through the canyon, shuttle buses only. Cedar Breaks is just a quick drivethrough.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Central Missouri


    We usually recommend 500-550 miles per day, since that equates to roughly 9-11 hours on the road. That's more than your average workday, at least for most folks. Commercial drivers are limited to 10 hours in the cab of their rig, whether it's behind the wheel or riding sidesaddle. It's hard on your system to be sitting much longer than that, even if you stop and take a 10 minute stroll someplace.

    Hubby and I have done 600+ mile days, when we were pushed to do so by an outside factor. We don't enjoy them as much as our 500-550 mile days, however.


  6. #36
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Phoenix, Arizona


    Hello again!

    We've all pushed that 500 to 550 mile limit when circumstances warranted speed (and/or when we were younger), but as Donna says, those extra long days in the car are never particularly enjoyable. On a road trip, it's always better to strike a more casual pace, and leave lots of room in your schedule for stops and spontaneous detours. When you try to cover too much distance in a day, the trip becomes a white-line fever marathon, and those are exhausting! Fatigue sneaks up on you; it's deadly, and actually causes more crashes than alcohol; it's also cumulative, especially on a long trip. "Better safe than sorry" is a time-worn cliche, but it's also a fairly profound truth!


  7. #37


    That makes a lot of sense. I’m not a spring chicken anymore and my car is not the most comfortable for driving/riding. Thank you for your insight, everyone!

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    South of England.


    If you wanted to push hard to get out west I think you could make Idaho Springs CO at the end of day three, averaging 565 miles per day and then take your foot off the gas. Of course we are all different and if you feel weary you should pull up for the night. Get reasonably early starts, even out your stops and get a good nights rest. A mistake often made is to push too hard at the start of the trip while you are fresh and excited only to get a big smack of fatigue half way.

  9. #39


    Quote Originally Posted by Southwest Dave View Post
    If you wanted to push hard to get out west I think you could make Idaho Springs CO at the end of day three, averaging 565 miles per day and then take your foot off the gas. Of course we are all different and if you feel weary you should pull up for the night. Get reasonably early starts, even out your stops and get a good nights rest. A mistake often made is to push too hard at the start of the trip while you are fresh and excited only to get a big smack of fatigue half way.
    We’re both early birds so we tend to get going early and then I like to stop “early” so I can relax and look around.

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