I looked at your account and saw that you’ve created two saved maps – Excellent work
(I can’t actually view your maps, all I can see is the enabling data sets – maps are private to you alone – unless you share them!)
So, the way you can get a printed map is:
1. Open the Advanced map page
2. Click on one of your two saved maps (either “xxxxx” or “xxxxxx” – the latter has more attractions on it)
3. Scroll down the page and you will see a “Print Saved Map” button (Click on that)
4. This opens the Print Set-up page, where you can select a bunch of different options for your printed map:
a. Check all (give the entire data pool)
b. Or you can select what kinds of information you want on the map
c. After making your selections, click on “Print Setup”
5. The next screen shows what will be printed
a. If all looks good
b. Look for the Printer symbol above the map pane and click “Print”
The only caveat is that you need to have POP-UP WINDOWS ENABLED on your browser, because that’s how this program works.