Fellow travelers,
An article in the Wall Street Journal this week noted the impending permanent closure of 19 of the 42 Interstate highway rest areas in the state of Virginia. The article went on to say that many states are closing Rest Areas in view of the combination of high operating costs and similar facilities/services being available at nearby exits.
As one would expect, there is an organization dedicated to the study and preservation of classic rest stop design and architecture. It's at www.restareahistory.org. There you will find links to the various states with Virginia's link showing the areas to be closed, closure dates, and those remaining open.
In the case of Virginia, nearly all of the "Welcome Centers" close to the borders will remain open, as will (very) widely scattered others. The message here is not to rely on your atlas or GPS's reports on rest area locations, as they're changing.
With over 600 miles of fuel range in my truck, Interstate rest areas are my standard nature break/vending purchases/Chicken Dance locales. I hate to see them closing in droves.