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  1. Default Good food along I90 and I80

    I'm looking for some good dining along I90 and I80. I taking a trip from Chicago out to Oregon and then hooking up with I80 back home. I looking for non-chain food places and more original or sit down places. I want to try new things on my trip, so if you have any suggestions let me know. I leave from Chicago to mt. rushmore to yellowstone to crater lake to redwoods to reno to salt lake city to denver and back home.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Tucson, AZ

    Default Good Food Everywhere

    Welcome aboard the RoadTrip America Forums!

    Everyone has there own definition of 'good dining' so I'm generally loathe to offer specific suggestions. What generally stands me in good stead is that old standby "Inquire Locally". I usually just drive into small to medium sized cities, ones that are small enough that pretty much everyone will know all the dining spots, and then look for either a visitor's information center or the kind of restaurant that appeals to me. If I ask at a center, I find it helps to be as specific as possible in what it is I'm looking for and then ask the person where they would eat if that's what they wanted.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    The Great Midwest, Illinois to be precise

    Default Further Off the Better

    The further you go off the interstate, the more apt to find a local eatery. Don't be afraid to ask what they are noted for. Also ask at state information centers.

    We also look for any places with the name on a sign out over the sidewalk. That usually means its been there for awhile.

    We also like to eat the local food choices whenever we have the chance. Be sure to ask what it is, though. Once on Route 66 in Oklahoma, I was considering an order of calf fries and am glad I inquired.

    Sure Glad I Didn't Order the Calf Fries. --RoadDog

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