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Thread: RV maybe?

  1. Default RV maybe?

    I hope to fly out to San Diego at the end of August, then bring my son, his girlfriend, and ALL of their STUFF back to NY. I thought renting an RV (one way trip) might accomodate everything and everybody. I probably can take 10 days off from work. Any ideas for this OR for a better suggestion?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Green County, Wisconsin

    Default Moving?

    Welcome to the RTA Forum!

    I'm guessing that you are talking about a full scale move here?

    In that case, I would NOT recommend taking an RV for the trip. Simply put, RV's make lousy moving vans. They really don't have as much storage space as you might think, and packing them full of stuff doesn't leave you any place to live inside - kind of defeating the reason for renting an RV in the first place.

    Your best best would likely to be to just rent a moving van (Uhaul does have 3-seat vehicles, Budget and Penske are only 2 seats) or use another moving service where you can pack your stuff and have it shipped across country.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Yeah, that is an unwise plan!

    Quote Originally Posted by Skye383838
    I hope to fly out to San Diego at the end of August, then bring my son, his girlfriend, and ALL of their STUFF back to NY. I thought renting an RV (one way trip) might accomodate everything and everybody.
    Michael's advice is sound here (actually it always is...) RV's are built with the idea of live weight (people) and some limited cargo -- if you were to use them as moving vans, they would likely get unstable and the RV rental company would not be happy either. If you decide to chance it anyway, here is a list of tips you should print out and take with you!!!!!!


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