First off, I realize this isn't technically a Summer roadtrip (May 25-June 10) but it's close. I figured I would get more views here.

My longtime girlfriend and I have decided to take 17 days off for a road trip toward the end of May. Well, it's part road trip and we'll be flying in between certain areas. The reason for flying wasn't because there's nothing to see in those areas, it was mainly due to the rental car fees for returning to certain locations, and we also want to spend more time in the places we're most interested in.

Below is the tentative interary. The only part of this trip that cannot be changed is the last flight from Portland to back to San Jose. The areas we're most interested in are the Grand Canyon (North Rim), Zion NP, Grand Teton, Yellowstone, Glacier NP and Portland. We're thinking about moving to Portland some time in the future and that was the original reason this trip came about, it's since evolved into something much larger :)

25-May - Fly San Jose to Phoenix, arrive in PHX at 10pm
26-May - Drive from Phoenix to Cameron (staying at Cameron Trading Post for 2 nights, less expensive than Flagstaff for Memorial Day weekend) Explore Sedona and Flagstaff along the way.
27-May - open day
28-May - Drive to Marble Canyon (staying 2 nights at Cliff Dwellers Lodge) the entire day is open (Lake Powell?)
29-May - Grand Canyon (North Rim)
30-May - Drive to Las Vegas, stop at Zion NP on the way
31-May - Fly from Vegas to Salt Lake City. Drive from SLC to Jackson Hole, WY. (2 nights in Jackson Hole)
1-Jun - Grand Teton
2-Jun - Drive to Yellowstone (2 nights at Cascade Lodge/Canyon Village)
3-Jun - Yellowstone
4-Jun - Stay the night in Helena, MT (or anywhere on the way to Glacier NP)
5-Jun - Glacier NP (East, West or Many Glaciers area?)
6-Jun - Glacier NP
7-Jun - Glacier NP
8-Jun - Drive to Spokane, WA for early morning flight
9-Jun - Fly to Portland, spend day exploring
10-Jun - Fly from Portland to back to San Jose

Scenery and nature are the main focus but we would let to get a little bit of each areas culture in as well.

Feel free to makes suggestions on changes to the plan and/or lodging recommendations.
