
Type: Posts; User: Sallyforth; Keyword(s):

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  1. I appreciate all the great help. I’ll post when...

    I appreciate all the great help. I’ll post when we get back and let you know how it went!
  2. Thanks for the assistance, we have spent little...

    Thanks for the assistance, we have spent little time in CA and this is very helpful.

    I hadn't thought about the rental car issue, thanks for the tip. We are rethinking the first night in light...
  3. Thank you and thanks for the info. Our flight...

    Thank you and thanks for the info. Our flight leaves at 8 CST and we get into LV at 9:25. I was nervous about going all the way to Sequoia on the first day. How long is that drive? I read...
  4. LV-Death Valley to SEKI to Yosemite and Back!

    Hi all,
    Looking for some feedback on this itinerary. 2 adults and a 7 and 12 yr old. Here is our route:

    May 29 - fly into LV, leave airport at 11 am, drive through DV see some highlights, spend...
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