That is truly awesome news.
Thanks for the report.
Here is a pretty cool video shot in January of the road construction.
Type: Posts; User: Mark Sedenquist; Keyword(s):
That is truly awesome news.
Thanks for the report.
Here is a pretty cool video shot in January of the road construction.
Actually, do you remember when the CA-14 overpass collapsed onto the I-15 after the January 17, 1994 Northridge earthquake? They completed the reconstruction under budget and 4 weeks earlier than...
Thanks for keeping this thread updated!
I've been looking at the coverage of this slide. It's hard to imagine what it will take to rebuild the highway through this area of the slide!
Actually, look at the photos from this week's...
That's an impressive reduction in the time required. From end of September to end of May! GLC, I couldn't locate the link that referenced the May opening on the Big Sur Blog.
Good job keeping this thread current. I liked that \_/ symbol for bridge down!