And we commissioned a number of planned routes in the area. You might just cruise down the list and see if any of them would appeal to you as a side trip?
Rocky Mountains
And a couple in...
Type: Posts; User: Mark Sedenquist; Keyword(s):
And we commissioned a number of planned routes in the area. You might just cruise down the list and see if any of them would appeal to you as a side trip?
Rocky Mountains
And a couple in...
Fred, I was just in Denver for meetings and ate at Syrup in Edgewater the morning before I left. Edgewater is only about 10 minutes from Lakewood. The food and ambience were really fun.
Fred, thanks for the kudos. As GLC has already shared the most direct route, I thought I would share some of the locations that we've written about on this route -- These aren't exactly natural...