You'll find lots of rural towns in Louisiana vying for that position. Lake Providence looks like a lot of other small dying towns in Louisiana. There's little to no industry, some people still trying...
Type: Posts; User: lhuff; Keyword(s):
You'll find lots of rural towns in Louisiana vying for that position. Lake Providence looks like a lot of other small dying towns in Louisiana. There's little to no industry, some people still trying...
Lake Providence is in East Louisiana near the Mississippi border. It's actually pretty close to where my Dad is from. I've been to it and Delhi (pronounced with a long I, not like the city in India)...
New Orleans is a great city to visit but I didn't like living there at all. Long story, but the pollution finally got to me so badly that a doctor told me the only cure was to move. That was my final...
I'm guessing the looks on y'alls faces were similar to the ones on mine and my sister's faces when asked about speaking French at home. What?! Now Craig (UKCraig) can testify that I have a very...
I've never heard the Concorde, but the B-52s make enough of a racket for me. It especially gets noisey when they're heading out for a mission. My entire house will shake and they just seem to keep...
Eeww. I've run into those out west a few times. Almost put me off of meat. Almost. I am from the Deep South after all.
This is why I love to read other people's field reports. They are awed by...
So far it sounds like you had an interesting time to say the least.
Oh my. I guess that was memorable. Did you actually eat it? If so, you're a much better sport than I would have been.