If you want to go through Vegas, I think that's a wise move. At that point, spending the night in Vegas would make the most sense. If you're spending the previous night in Tehachapi, then going...
Type: Posts; User: Midwest Michael; Keyword(s):
If you want to go through Vegas, I think that's a wise move. At that point, spending the night in Vegas would make the most sense. If you're spending the previous night in Tehachapi, then going...
I have to ask, what's your reasoning for that, Mark?
Obviously, you go through there far more often than I do, and it's been many years since I stayed in Barstow, but Barstow has a huge number of...
Actually, this is a really important point too. Unlike most of the rest of the world where it's typical to be able to easily buy a sim card right at the airport, that's pretty rare in the US and the...
A more convenient phone option than a traditional prepaid sim could be a travel E-Sim. As long as you've got a modern, unlocked, phone that can accept an e-sim, I've found it to be the best way and...
I would certainly carry some cash, because there are still some small businesses that have chosen to remain cash only to avoid Credit Card processing fees, but that's a pretty small number of places....
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I'm sorry, your idea of getting all the way to the Grand Canyon and Jerome and Las Vegas on top of it, starting from Yosemite and getting back to Palm Spring in just 4...
When you say you're looking at 20-24 foot trailer, I'm guessing you mean you're looking for an RV trailer?
You should know that RV's really don't make great moving vans. All of the things that...
I'm pretty surprised you weren't aware of the restrictions on moving firewood, especially knowing how you pay attention to wildfires in the west. Firewood is one of the top ways tree killing pests...
Traveling with teenagers can be hard. 10 years ago we did a big extended family roadtrip around Iceland and our at the time 15 year old seemed like it was her goal to ruin the trip for everyone else....
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Durham to Chicago is about 800 miles, so it's a good day and a half drive. Personally, if I had to be in Chicago at 9 am on Wednesday, I would want to actually be in...
I'd say it's both a little normal and a little back luck. The times I've had issues with recreation.gov are when the site is struggling with demand. If timed entry tickets opened up at a certain...
I've only been asked for an IDP once, and that was renting a campervan from a small company in Spain, and they only asked for it because their insurance required it.
I actually can't imagine that...
That really wouldn't work. Tioga Pass is the road that goes over the Sierra Nevada mountains through Yosemite National Park, to the Yosemite Valley on the West side of the mountains. You wouldn't...
What exactly is your plan for California?
Your initial post indicated you want to avoid big cities and explore nature, but your map seems like you'll be spending a lot of time in San Diego, San...
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For the Wisconsin portion of your trip, is Solon Springs your actual destination, as suggested by your map? I'm not aware of any big Belgian/Luxembourg settlements in...
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Both Rawlins and Casper could be good places to stop, with plenty of places to stay no matter what your budget. Rawlins is a little closer to the halfway mark, but I...
Do you mean the Lincoln Home in Springfield?
I believe all the National Park Sites in Springfield are free, so they may not actually sell the pass there. But as Donna mentioned, there's really no...
Is there a reason you're flying into Denver? That's still over 900 miles to Glacier. Compared to the 1600 miles from St. Louis, you're not even gaining all that much vs just driving the whole way.
The Lady Bird Johnson Trail is pretty short and easy and was one of my favorite stops at Redwood National Park.
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I agree with GLC on the choice of route. It is about the same distance as the route through Albuquerque, but spends much more time on Interstates or 4 lane roads. US-87...
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One thing that stands out to me is that you mention going to Banff, and spending 3 weeks in Edmonton, but you don't mention Jasper NP at all. Jasper is several hours from...
When did that one open? I was just in Springfield last year, around Memorial Day, and I didn't remember it - but I also don't think I was on that specific part of I-44 (I camped north of the city). ...
This appears to be very similar to the question you asked in 2018 and then again in 2019.
Your end destination is slightly different, but the principal would be the same. You could still go as...
The weather should be fine that time of year. It could be cool, and perhaps rainy at times, but it's a pretty good time to be traveling in these areas.
Unless you're staying right downtown, most...
I was just at Matts Bar for a Jucy Lucy (not Juicy - unless you're going to the 5-8 club!) on Saturday.
I would absolutely pick up your car immediately from the airport. Minneapolis' public...