• Access For All: Touring the Southwest with Limited Mobility by Deborah Wall and Dennis Boulton.

      If you ever doubted for a moment that we live in a beautiful country, pick up a copy of Access For All: Touring the Southwest with Limited Mobility, the new book by Boulder City residents Deborah Wall and Dennis Boulton.

      Illustrated with gorgeous photos they took of many destinations, the book is very useful to those with special needs and, in fact, everyone. The authors include maps with accessible sites in Nevada, California, Utah and Arizona. For each location they note the best time of year to visit, directions, on-site amenities.

      This is Wall’s second book. She is the author of "Base Camp Las Vegas: Hiking the Southwestern States", a 2010 collection of her hiking/outdoors columns that appeared in the weekly View newspapers in Las Vegas, Nevada.

      That book was not only well-received, but readers found it helpful. But, she noted, there was a need for a book that not only talks about where to go but a book that helps those with mobility issues see the country around them.

      She says, “I have a few very good friends in their early 50s and 60s that are still great athletes but because of sports injuries and other accidents are in wheelchairs. Even so they still want to see it all. Also, my Mom who is 94 and slower than she used to be, still wants to travel.”

      But, make no mistake. This book is for everyone. I am not disabled and I find Access for All to be extraordinarily useful. I’ve asked my sister to get a copy so we can together plan her upcoming October visit here.

      The authors point out that travelers with a medically verified permanent disability can get a free Access Pass that provides access to more than 2,000 recreation sites managed by five federal agencies. In addition to the factual information about each site, I was fascinated to learn i6 about all the places within a relatively short distance that I didn’t know about but would now like very much to see. They talk, too, about the Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics, a Colorado--based organization whose members work to safeguard our environment from the carelessness of people.

      The love the two authors feel for what they do is palpable when they speak of it. As Wall says, “No one should be — or has to be — a prisoner of a disability.”

      Access For All: Touring the Southwest with Limited Mobility

      Comments 2 Comments
      1. Mark Sedenquist's Avatar
        Mark Sedenquist -
        Some other mobility resources can be found on this RTA page.
      1. Mark Sedenquist's Avatar
        Mark Sedenquist -
        I've used Deborah's first book and know that her information is solid. I personally recommend this book!