Pictures from near and far

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Photos from Mass Tim's adventures on the open road
  1. Antietam
  2. Monadnock from Wachusett
  3. MD Lighthouse
  4. Sideling Hill
  5. Eagle Tree
  6. Good Riddance
  7. WWI Tank
  8. Saddams Head
  9. WTC Debris
  10. New River Gorge Bridge
  11. Bird takes on Mother Nature
  12. Meat Grinder
  13. IMG 0075
  14. IMG 1095
  15. IMG 1116
  16. IMG 0958
  17. IMG 0953
  18. IMG 1035
  19. IMG 1034
  20. Castle2
  21. Castle1
  22. Shutter
  23. Barrels
  24. Worlds End Chapel
  25. IMG 0321m
Showing photos 1 to 25 of 28
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