RoadTrip America

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Johnny Appleseed Was Here
Oak Glen Apple Blossoms
Apple blossom time in Oak Glen, California


It may not be common knowledge that Southern California has an apple-producing region, but for those in the know, Oak Glen is a great road trip destination. Nestled high above the desert floor in a beautiful valley sixty miles east of Los Angeles are apple orchards planted over a century ago.

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Oak Glen welcomes tourists year-round with craft shops, restaurants, and fruit stands. Apple blossom time in spring is a magical time to visit, but "high season" is autumn, when visitors can choose from sixty varieties of apples in addition to pears, berries, and other fruits. For a hands-on experience, you can even pick your own.

If you make the journey to Oak Glen, be sure to visit Los Rios Rancho, which has been owned and operated by the Rivers family since 1906. Enjoy fresh cider and pie in the bakery, then head down the hill to the tasting room for a sample of locally made wine. The ranch is also home to restored historic buildings, and there are a number of hiking trails. 2006 marks the centennial for Los Rios Rancho and they are hosting a special party on Saturday, March 11th, 2006. For information about Los Rios Rancho, click here. Another great Oak Glen destination is Riley's Farm, which offers tours, hayrides, and living history events.

From Los Angeles, take I-10 / San Bernardino Freeway east to San Bernardino (approx 50-60 miles). Turn right towards Cherry Valley (0.2 mile), then turn left (east) onto Cherry Valley Blvd. (3.4 miles). Turn left (north) onto Beaumont Ave. (0.8 mile). Road name changes to Oak Glen Road. You'll reach Oak Glen in about five miles.

Oak Glen Farms & Fruit Stands
Oak Glen Apple Grower's Association: General information, Calendar of Oak Glen events

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