A reply to our previous post was so useful, we hope you don't mind us coming back for more advice...
We are from the UK and want to hire a car from Las Vegas for 1 week early August. Our road trip will take us in a loop into Utah, then Arizona, then back to Nevada. Could anyone please advise as to what we will need in terms of insurance, and what other taxes we would expect to pay as standard, especially given that we would be entering 2 other states outside the 1 we will be hiring in (one site even quoted something called Performing Arts Tax - what?!)
We don't want to get conned into paying for something we don't really need, biut also don't want to get caught out in case of a problem. (BTW, we are aged 42 and 39).
Thanks in advance
Sam & Debs
oh, btw, We really fancy hiring a PT Cruiser Convertible. Anyone had any experience of one, and also would it be best to reserve in advance over the web or try and do a deal when we get there?
Thanks again....