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  1. #1
    rgillespie Guest

    Default L.A. to Salt lake City on I-15, Any Insight.

    I am hoping someone can help me out here. I am planning on driving from L.A. to Slat Lake City, on I-15 up through Vegas, on December 17th. I have never driven this route before and am kind of nervous about the weather. I have driven on 1-80 from Sacramento to Slat Lake City many times, and a few times in very bad snow, and I am hoping to avoid that on I-15. Can anyone give me any insight into what to expect along this route. Thank you very much.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Plan for snow, be delighted in clear

    Quote Originally Posted by rgillespie
    I am planning on driving from L.A. to Salt Lake City, on I-15 up through Vegas, on December 17th. I have never driven this route before and am kind of nervous about the weather.
    Richard, Welcome to the Forum! Well, generally you can figure that in most Decembers the route will be clear, cold and clear. That being said, one of the worst white-outs I have ever been in happened on I-15 about 40 miles south of Las Vegas and I have seen cars slipping and sliding in the ditch up near St. George, Utah. But in most years, December is relatively mild along I-15.


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