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  1. #1
    mbt Guest

    Default Day trips near San Jose for Thanksgiving

    Hi all,

    My husband and I are planning 2-3 day trips near San Jose for the Thanksgiving weekend. I've heard a lot about Big Sur but never been there...any suggestions? We are mostly wanting to go to "hidden places" that people wouldn't normally go to - like some trails, or scenic getaways. We reside in San Jose and have been to the most common tourist spots within a 60 mile range. Any tips/helpful suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

    Many thanks,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Tucson, AZ

    Default One Possibility

    Welcome aboard the RoadTrip America forum.

    Don't know whether this counts as something you've done, but when I did it I didn't see but a handful of souls, so it's not all that 'common'. It's a scenic drive and very nice hike. From Monterey, head inland on county route G-16 the Carmel Valley Road. Continue on G-17 and US-101 to CA-146 and Pinnacles National Monument. When you're done hiking head south a bit on US-101 to G-13 eastbound to Bitterwater and then follow scenic CA-25 back into Gilroy and the Bay area. You can even go into the seldom visited East District of the Monument.


  3. #3
    mbt Guest


    Thanks, AZBuck. We haven't taken this route or been to Pinnacles - sounds like fun :)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default My Favorite Site for this area

    Quote Originally Posted by mbt
    My husband and I are planning 2-3 day trips near San Jose for the Thanksgiving weekend. I've heard a lot about Big Sur but never been there...any suggestions? We are mostly wanting to go to "hidden places" that people wouldn't normally go to - like some trails, or scenic getaways.
    MBT, There is a site maintained by Tom and Margaret Husband that would, I think, be perfect for the kinds of places you are looking for. This site, along with other site specific web sites can be found on the RTA Routes, Itineraries, & Advice page.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Bay Area, CA


    Quote Originally Posted by mbt
    Thanks, AZBuck. We haven't taken this route or been to Pinnacles - sounds like fun :)
    If you are planning for a hike in Pinnacles, "the hike" would be the High Peak's trail. Its absolutely amazing! Pinnacles may get cold(but seeing the current Bay area heat, I doubt it). Dress in layers though. Make sure to pass through the balcony caves.

    Big Sur is also very pretty and has the ideal climate now. If you are interested in camping, chk availability.

    Have fun!

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