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  1. #1
    sarah4810 Guest

    Default very first road trip..a loong one

    Can you guys help me?

    I want to go from Tampa to Sacramento. I have a 1991 honda accord and I'm pretty sure it will make it (will have looked at to make sure before I leave). I will be going between dec 1 and dec 28th so it will be cold. I have no experience driving through snow/ice and would like to take a route that is more southern to avoid all that. I would also like to see some sights on the way. I am not very geographically inclined and I suck at maps..I'm just looking for an easy route, that's not snowy, and would like to see the grand canyon, roswell, faywood hotsprings in faywood NM, las vegas for sure, and maybe some other cool sites.

    Does anyone have any suggestions on a route to take? Any other helps would be soooooo awesome as I am not doing well in trying to plan this so far.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Odds are...

    Quote Originally Posted by sarah4810
    I want to go from Tampa to Sacramento. I have a 1991 honda accord and I'm pretty sure it will make it (will have looked at to make sure before I leave). I will be going between dec 1 and dec 28th so it will be cold. I have no experience driving through snow/ice and would like to take a route that is more southern to avoid all that. I would also like to see some sights on the way. I am not very geographically inclined and I suck at maps..I'm just looking for an easy route, that's not snowy, and would like to see the grand canyon, roswell, faywood hotsprings in faywood NM, las vegas for sure, and maybe some other cool sites.
    Welcome to the Forum,

    There isn't any route in the United States that will be 100% guaranteed to be snow free in December. But the route that has the best chance of little snow would be I-10. If you go up to the Grand Canyon -- there is a good chance you will see snow.

    But if you take it slow, you will have little to no problems. And look at the suggestions on the bottom of this page.

  3. #3


    Please make sure you do have your car inspected by someone you trust prior to leaving on such a long trip. Also, if you should run into inclement weather you don't feel comfortable drving in, you might just want to park the car and get a room until it passes. It's not worth the risk to save time and a few dollars.

    With that said, I-40 through Texas, NM, and AZ should take you very close to most of the sites you had mentioned; then angle Northwest on 93 toward Las Vegas! Don't forget to take some detours on Route 66!

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