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Thread: brit trip

  1. #1
    stevebecky Guest

    Default brit trip

    hi folks

    we are 2 brits unused to real snow conditions. we will be arriving denver, col on March 4th next year and plan to drive to las vegas via I70, but have heard this often blocked in winter, can anyone out there give us the real facts, please. Many thanks. Steve

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default That would be unusual

    Quote Originally Posted by stevebecky
    we are 2 brits unused to real snow conditions. we will be arriving denver, col on March 4th next year and plan to drive to las vegas via I70, but have heard this often blocked in winter, can anyone out there give us the real facts, please. Many thanks.
    Steve, It is possible that spring storm could bring sufficient snow to close the highway over the Rockies for a couple of hours, but that is all it would be. I wouldn't worry about it.


  3. #3
    stevebecky Guest


    Many thanks for your quick response, Mark. I have several more questions about this planned trip, as a newbie to this forum, is it ok to post them all to this thread? Tks, Steve

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Fire Away!

    Quote Originally Posted by stevebecky
    Many thanks for your quick response, Mark. I have several more questions about this planned trip, as a newbie to this forum, is it ok to post them all to this thread? Tks, Steve
    Yes, we actuall prefer to keep posts running in a linear fashion -- it make it easier for the moderators to keep track on what advice is being shared.


  5. #5
    stevebecky Guest


    Thanks Mark, We are planning a round trip Denver - Moab - Grand Canyon South - Boulder City - Bryce - Denver. with a few days at each. Q1. What is a comfortable days mileage on interstates/highways, holiday not record breaking. Q2. Is Death Valley on for a day trip from Boulder City? Q3. Can you point us to a few "must see" points along the way. Q4 (final!) Is it advisable for us tourists to "mix it" with LV traffic or should we keep out and take the bus? Many thanks, Steve

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default A few ideas

    Quote Originally Posted by stevebecky
    We are planning a round trip Denver - Moab - Grand Canyon South - Boulder City - Bryce - Denver. with a few days at each. Q1. What is a comfortable days mileage on interstates/highways, holiday not record breaking.
    300 to 400 miles is about right given the distances you are suggesting to travel (of course, I don't know how many total days you have).
    Q2. Is Death Valley on for a day trip from Boulder City?
    Not if you are really planning to reach Bryce Canyon the same day! But, if Boulder City is your way station for a couple of days, sure. It is a couple of hours west of Boulder City.
    Q3. Can you point us to a few "must see" points along the way.
    How long do you have? I can think of a few hundred must sees.
    Q4 (final!) Is it advisable for us tourists to "mix it" with LV traffic or should we keep out and take the bus?
    I don't know where in the UK you call home, but even with wrong-side-of-the-road issue, if you have driven in London -- Las Vegas traffic will seem very tame to you! For some ideas around our "home town" look at the Vegasland articles written by Megan Edwards.


  7. #7
    stevebecky Guest


    Thanks again Mark, you're doing my confidence a world of good! I regularly drive London. We have just fourteen days for the must sees, so only a few of the hundreds available will be fine. Regards, Steve

  8. #8
    bevldavies Guest

    Default Hi Steve - fellow Brit!

    Hi Steve

    My boyfriend and I are off tomorrow flying to Denver. We have 16 days to see the sights so we are planning to do Denver down to Colorado Springs and across to Durango via Gunnison, Santa Fe, Grand Canyon South, Kingman, Vegas, Bryce Canyon and then back to Denver. I have calculated it is around 2,500 miles without detours but we plan to do between 150 and 200 miles a day and have built in two days to catch up or take it easy depending on how we are getting on!

    I am more than happy to let you know how we got on when we get back!

    Any mods on here, if you can spot a dreadful fault with our plans it would be great to find out before we set off!!


  9. #9
    stevebecky Guest

    Default Snap!!!

    Hello Bev,

    I wonder how many people make this trip each year! I had not thought of Santa Fe, but I will now. Maybe it will tie in with Bob`s suggestion in my other thread, of Chaco Canyon. Anyway, have a great trip, and I`d love to hear your impressions when you return. Regards,


  10. #10
    bevldavies Guest

    Default We are back!

    Hi Steve

    We are back from our trip and had an amazing time! The area is so beautiful and there is so much to see and do 16 days was just not enough time! Our trip went as follows:

    Day 1 - Denver to Colorado Springs
    Day 2 - Colorado Springs to Ouray
    Day 3 - Ouray to Santa Fe (The drive along the million dollar highway is amazing!)
    Day 4 - Santa Fe to Las Vegas New Mexico
    Day 5 - Las Vegas to Albuquerque
    Day 6 - Albuquerque to Gallup
    Day 7 - Gallup to Sedona
    Day 8 - sedona to Tusayan (Grand Canyon South Rim)
    Day 9 - Tusayan to Kingman
    Day 10 - Kingman to Vegas (2 Nights)
    Day 11 - Vegas to Zion
    Day 12 - Zion to Moab
    Day 13 - Moab to Cimarron
    Day 14 - Cimarron to Colorado Springs
    Day 15 - Colorado Springs to Denver

    This was a total of 3300 miles and our longest drive was 360 miles from Zion to Moab. We tried to use scenic highways rather than interstate when we could. If we were to do it again, we would miss out Santa Fe Las Vegas New Mexico and Albuquerque and maybe head West from Durango. We wanted to do some of old route 66, which is pretty cool hence the reason we stayed in Kingman. Not recommended for light sleepers due to the noisy trains! We would also have spent more time in Las Vegas, Moab and Zion Canyon. We would also have made a day for Bryce Canyon, sadly as we were short of time we had to drive straight past.

    There is so much to tell I could be here all day but if you have any questions....!

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