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  1. #1
    ronen_mymon Guest

    Default From SF to Bryce Canyon - Possible?

    Hey guys,

    I'm leaving SF by car and I want to go to Bryce canyon.
    I checked in and it's something like 13 hours drive.
    we are 3 ppl in car and we are planing to do it in 2 days (with sleep along the way).

    But, is it possible?
    Has anyone done it before?

    After Bryce we want to go to Vegas and then San Diego...
    Thank you guys !

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Washington state coast/Olympic Peninsula


    Yes, it's definitely possible. Some of us have driven much more in a day. However, this also depends on you and how much you want to drive. But that's only about 6.5 hours per day of driving. It's really not that bad. Just break it up with a few stops along the way to explore interesting sites and you should be fine.

  3. Default Bryce

    Last month we completed an 11-day vacation through Nevada, Utah, Arizona, and NM. Bryce Canyon was definitely one of the highlights. Make sure you hike to the top of the Emerald Pools if you get a chance. Amazing!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Ontario Canada

    Default Zion

    Be sure to at least drive through ZION national park enroute to Bryce.
    Sounds like great destinations! Don't lose it all in Vegas (ha!)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Bay Area, CA

    Default fun

    Zion would be my suggestion also!
    I am not sure if Virgin river is still in full swing. If not, a walk thru the "Narrows" is the highlight of Zion.

    good luck!

  6. Default

    There is another way of going: Taking highway 50 east. It's called the "lonliest highway in America." I've done it before, coming out of Salt Lake City, going west. There's a lot of real estate, and not much more, but an interesting way to go. If you go that way, be sure you have plenty of water, and a working celll phone.

    Have a nice trip, regardless of the route you go.

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